wow, what a PROP Workout last night in the Practice Cave! packed Cave again and ‘props’ go to the Mother/Daughter Team from Philadelphia who showed up and got ilg-blasted at 7,000′! Champions, i tell you…champions. my only regret is that ilg can’t share our Weekly High Altitude HP PROP Workouts with ALL of you!… i […]
People have been going crazy over the “KNOCK, KNOCK” clip i posted on my FaceBook page, sent to me by Student Priana. For go(o)d reason. The clip just demolishes me…five times i’ve watched it…five times, ilg is left bent over at the knees. Twenty Five years of EarthWalking reduced into a potent 2 minutes of […]

The metaphor i’m after here?There is no difference between the Temple of a Yoga Mat,or the Iron Temple of a Dumbbell.You can take that to the friggin’ Bardo, baby.Genuine Unity, genuine YOGA requires fitness ACROSS the body and mind spectrum!And if you can’t grock this metaphor?You probably ain’t from our Tribe of Multi-Disciplined Fitness Warriors […]

did you miss me? yeah well,’bout the only challenge you’ll have with DL today is choosing which one of theseshould be your new WF ScreenSaver! enjoy and…get out and DO! click on the images below to deepen the chi hit! head bowed,the mountain yogi dad Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play […]

Dearest Brother of the Path ~ Regarding your EXPLORING THE VENTS PDF Your ways work. I know. Given my life work (a wood-worker/artist), you would think I’d have developed carpal / wrist problems by now. Nope! Everyone around me is sick (or a cripple), dieing or dead. As far as feeling good by (the WF […]

Agassiz Running PilgrimageAn Offering Of Sacred Mountain Running with coach ORDER HERE! COMPLIMENTARY DVD!!! You pay only shipping and processing!!! A COMPLIMENTARY “TRIBAL OFFERING” FROM COACH TO YOU!……NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE CARDIO INSPIRATION! Come join Coach and “Yogi Jut” during a 17-mile training run within the Kachina Peaks Wilderness just outside the Wholistic Fitness Temple […]

“DANCEas though no one is watching you,LOVEas though you have never been hurt before,SINGas though no one can hear you,LIVEas though heaven is on earth. – unknown DL and iDL will be back tomorrowas Reverend Steve Ilg is officiating a Wedding… if you would like to have “the world’s fittest human”officiate a Wedding, House Blessing, […]