“Daddy? I would rather DIE than have to eat that…” Dewa remarked this morning as she stood transfixed by Bear poop in our back driveway…note our overturned trash can behind her…
“Daddy? I would rather DIE than have to eat that…” Dewa remarked this morning as she stood transfixed by Bear poop in our back driveway…note our overturned trash can behind her…
“Coach Steve Ilg, thank you for your confidence in me and many thanks to all Yogis, Yoginis, and Athletes who constantly inspire me on a DAILY basis.”
“It has been reported by several high-integrity sources that Coach Steve Ilg, devout Terra Firmer, was seen ACTUALLY DOING A WATER SPORT…lame as he was,
this represents another true example of Coach living this talk to explore your weaknesses, fears, and rise up to challenges…This establishment has already placed several
calls to HELL to see if, in fact, it was frozen over since a situation with ilg actually even NEAR water – save for fishing or tubing – is extremely rare!
For ilg? Mt. Taylor begins right here…on the spongy track and field of my alma mater; Miller Jr. High School….my churchyard of a thousand sacred sweats…for this former paralyzed yogi? today marked the beginning of my run training to perhaps complete, maybe even cOMpete toward another podium in February’s Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon…will YOU join me? if you think you have Endurance? if you consider yourself a yogi? C(om)e, toe this Start Line – solo – with me this Feb….think you’re “cross-fit”? okay…c’mon…throw down THIS 3 decade-long Test Piece of WF and join the esteemed ranks of other WF Warriors who’ve accomplished it: Fit Kit, Padma, Yogi Jut, Yogi bRad, Flex Armstrong, and perhaps one or two more WF Students that have taken Sacred Pilgrimage to cOMplete this race as a soloist.
“the ground of the ordinary mind”…functions like a storehouse, in which the imprints of past actions caused by our negative emotions are all stored like seeds. When the right conditions arise, they germinate and manifest as circumstances and situations in our lives…
oh, ilg knows all too lusciously well that road cycling has its special m(om)ents…
however, uh…
c’mon…enjoy my workout today, courtesy of the high San Juans and
… it’s actually (today) an hour and seven minute climb to the top of the scintillating, single track, technical downhill section…and that is at my high Zone 3 pace. your actual climb time might be slower (or faster) depending on your fitness/skills. the whole 16-mile route took me 1:35 front door-to-front door.