Most Noble Sangha, Having considerable experience both personally and professionally in multi-day hiking and trail work/trailbuilding, i wish to offer without charge this Proven Pathway which has kept many a hiker/trailworker healthy and capable of enduring the associated challenges which must be met, calmed, and conquered by the multi-day hiker/trail worker/builder…. feeble ilg only […]
DURANGO TV will be filming on Race Day…What an amazingly talented field of national/world class athletes already signed up as well as those whose goal is just to walk the 5k! My treasured donators are REALLY steppin’ up again and our renown raffle prizes? Awesomeness! BLESSED! Please support my race! Need course marshals/volunteers! c’mon! join our Crazy Wisdom Parade to benefit the Durango Youth Nordic Ski Team!
The world’s original winter sport which saved the human ‘race’ remains the most demanding, mystical, and spirit-elevating pursuit on this Plane(t)….but don’t take my word for it…
pictured above: my Sacred Animas River manifesting full throttle the manifestation of White Man’s stupid attachment to monetary greed
my precious lifelong Sacred River – many of my friends who used to poke fun at me since i always refer to the Animas as, ‘Our Sacred River,’ are NOT poking fun at me now! – is now a fluid ribbon of toxicity which requires me as a Blessed and Sworn Dharma Protecter to dig deep into my yogic/spiritual warrior quiver to re-iterate my LifeMessage since 1985:
The Outdoors is Sacred>Care For It Unconditionally!
from one broken back mountain yogi to another…Danelle? it’s been a while since chasing each other on snowshoes, however, your inspiration remains as fresh to me as a September snow in Leadville…
sure, of course, i love running, snowshoeing, skiing, mountain biking, hiking, and nowadays taking my daughter along the sinewy sweetness of the massive network and drop-to-your-knees beauty of the Four Corners trails! doh!
but, what only a few of you know?
i love creating and maintaining trails even more!
i love the seduction; trails beckon us further, higher…toward purer terrain. Trails are metaphors for our own yogic, fitness, and life journeys.
i want to do my part in protecting the vinyasa of trails for my daughter’s generations and many more…