TBT…ever another cairn along the Steep and Direct Path of Transformation…the Outer World is sooooo confused! Reflective of its Wholistic Path, the Price of my most recent book ranges from $3.98 to… $147.37!!! gotta love the Shiva Humor of It All…
TBT…ever another cairn along the Steep and Direct Path of Transformation…the Outer World is sooooo confused! Reflective of its Wholistic Path, the Price of my most recent book ranges from $3.98 to… $147.37!!! gotta love the Shiva Humor of It All…
First if all, THANK YOU for another challenging, unique and Chiful
class. Not one class is ever the same and that keeps all of your
students in their prime. It takes a dedicated teacher to ensue that.
Last night was off the charts…
– ShishyaGamhé
we have been spending a lot of time together
hiking and after a few weeks i dragged her to a yoga class. it is ashtanga influenced \
class and although she hasn’t practiced in years she did very well. she said she learned to breathe from a yoga instructor by the name of
Steve, but she couldn’t remember his last name….
feeling the pre-event Chi in a big way. i’ve worked on my ‘Pranayama Pump’ each day and had some great sitting meditations trying to tame the intense emotions.
i was approached by a lone Kyrgyz cowboy after saying our Prayer. he sat beside me, took my journal, and wrote a full entry in Kyrgyz before galloping away with a wink and a wave. a Bodhisattva.