FOR DL Subscribers Only: Pre-Order and save 20%must place your order within the next 24 hours! “From Beneath the Sacred Peak, and pulled from my Body of Work…it is with deep pleasure i share with you this fantastic pre-day routine which only requires 10 minutes!”– coach steve ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt coach ilg remains the only Senior […]

Noble Sangha,click to enlarge the above “WF Word Cloud” – though it looks more like a monsoon squall to me! (visit to make your own cool word clouds). I’d like all of you who took your time and loving attention to answer my recent poll that Master Student “MahaManas” Singer and i have […]

WF Temple NewsJuly/9/2009 “The Lord has a Universe for a body.” – Pratyabhijna-Hridaya (4) of Kshemaraja Coach and his Can-Do Clan hasGone Fishin’…and racing, and climbing, and camping and…and…whatever, wherever our little summer walkabout leads us. After teaching tonight’s HP Yoga PROP BASICS class, we’re heading deep into the h(om)eland of my youth; Pagosa Springs, […]

well, the emails from my rock climbing brother and sisterhood are streaming in…i understand my my old friend from my era of American rock climbing has hit the deck during a free solo near Bishop, CA and is now free soloing – as we all must – his Bardo Entry and Navigation….on behalf of myself […]

“DANCEas though no one is watching you,LOVEas though you have never been hurt before,SINGas though no one can hear you,LIVEas though heaven is on earth. – unknown DL and iDL will be back tomorrowas Reverend Steve Ilg is officiating a Wedding… if you would like to have “the world’s fittest human”officiate a Wedding, House Blessing, […]

Primarily, i find Coach’s attitude towards life inspiring. i strongly believe in the idea that if we wish to seek improvement in ourselves we should surround ourselves with people whom we admire and who possess qualities which we also wish to possess. WF is the most well thought out life/fitness philosophy i had ever come […]

Actual Response From This Weekend’s Questionnaire: 2) What is not so pleasant about doing business with WF? “…that Steve only teaches 2x a week locally – that there is only one physical manifestation of the ILG…” – susan dFlagstaff *** Namasté My Mighty Limb’d Warriors and Warrioress’s of Wholeness! If you already sent in your […]

your feeble coach, the Magnificent Ananda, and our Rinpoche Dewachen…taken on the front deck of the WF Temple H(om)e two days ago. WF is beginning yet another new era in Her three decades of Dharma Service through peerless transpersonal fitness training…and the great thing about it is that I am letting YOU steer the humble […]