My entry last night on Facebook was:“On behalf of nearly everyone in COLORADO (i can only assume),thank you PENNS!” My Facebook page after securing the user name, www.facebook.com/steveilgfrom the stampede of legions trying to get choice names.
My entry last night on Facebook was:“On behalf of nearly everyone in COLORADO (i can only assume),thank you PENNS!” My Facebook page after securing the user name, www.facebook.com/steveilgfrom the stampede of legions trying to get choice names.
Okay stop it everybody! My Facebook page is full!!! Have you already forgotten what i’ve taught you about yogis and chronological birthdays?!! Seriously; thank you SOOOO much for all the Birthday Wishes! Ilg could not have had a Happier 47th…finishing 4th Place at Iron Horse in front of my new family and long-time friends! THANK […]
BEST SEAT IN DA HOUSETaking a Squirrel incarnation could mean that we ‘hoarded’ and ‘gathered’ too many possessions in this or another lifetime. The compulsion to ‘attain and hoard from others,’ is one example of a kleshic tendency of which all Conscious Fitness Warriors, intend on Wholeness, must be watchful. i grabbed this shot yesterday […]
text, photos, and YouTube video by coach steve ilg click on pic to enlarge… May – the wildflower month – is around the bend. Gingerly unfolding cold legs, i arise from morning Meditation and wink at the frost still gracing the zendo window. Grandfather Sun slowly shatterscold silhouette of the Sacred Peak. Resisting temptation to […]
Most Precious Sangha, your feeble teacher awaits Blogger to allow me to post pictures… head bowed to your Practice of Patience… coach
HP YOGA returns to SoCal… if you love warrior-based asana and sun-kissed private beaches? here is the link: HP Yoga With Coach in Malibu, May 2&3 April 20, 2009 HP YOGA: An Interdisciplinary Warriors Approach since 1982 “The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this life. For […]
just posted some very interesting MAP intake guidelines in the SanghaLounge…check it out!
HAPPY 42nd to my Beloved Ananda…ANDHAPPY 19th Month Birthday to my Beloved Kamalika (Little Lotus) you can wish Ananda a Happy Birthday on her brand new Facebook journey:Joy’s Facebook page (you might need to be logged on) Abba’s Practice today? to Serve my Two Ladies with the loving devotion of Hanuman to Sita and Ram…