“The real workout that you’ve been working out on all this (life)time, is the workout you’ve come to call, yourself.”– coach ilg photo by craig ilg. coach doing camp yoga, bottom of Grand Canyon.
“The real workout that you’ve been working out on all this (life)time, is the workout you’ve come to call, yourself.”– coach ilg photo by craig ilg. coach doing camp yoga, bottom of Grand Canyon.
ilg, watching his (Dharma) wheels going ’round and ’round. “The outer world don’t give my blogs or books or resume awards; in fact, many people disdain ilg…not that they can outperform ilg, even these days, however, that doesn’t seem to matter. it’s go(o)d, a perfect Teaching of Aparigraha. as my Teachers taught me; “All Karma […]
“I almost fully recovered thanks to HP Prop Yoga…” – WF Devotee and DL Subscriber M STUDENT:Cher (Dear) CoachIt’s an honor and privilege to join your Direct Lines. Let me quickly introduce myself… COACH:Well, thank you! i am ALWAYS HONORED as well to get to know yet another WF Warrior who has stepped up to […]
Ben “PatkiDass” Sullivan has launched a Carbon Counter from his website.I’ve asked my beautiful Student if my WF Sangha could make use of this perfect tool for enhancing WF Lifestyle Principles 2,3, and 4 (MIndfulness, Appropriate Action, and Practice). i’ll turn it over to PatkiDass;“Our atmosphere (Father Sky) is our greatest integrator. Through the power […]
crickets, velvet air (5)dial up will not post pictures (7)Rio Grande flows (5) – spontaneous haiku, ilg, right now *** i am flowing too, these days. must be the quarter century of yoga paying off.i know this to be True.for,not so long ago i would be ragin’ with frustration. i woulda been pissed as hell […]
crickets, velvet air (5)dial up will not post pictures (7)Rio Grande flows (5) – spontaneous haiku, ilg, right now *** i am flowing too, these days. must be the quarter century of yoga paying off.i know this to be True.for,not so long ago i would be ragin’ with frustration. i woulda been pissed as hell […]
“(E)arnestly practice every good work.”– Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King, 1981 above photo; apres yoga…mountain yogi style! exhausted and intensely, sacredly happy. more seeds of impurity burned in the furnace of self-driven sweat of a 5 hour, 54-mile, 6,800′ mountain bike effort. this photo shows precisely why i am never impressed by fancy postures done by ‘studio yogis’…let them […]
From the massive Dharma flow that cascades across the giant DreamCatcher of WF in my day to day running of the world’s original and still so humble, Path of Transpersonal Fitness… May these exchanges of spiritual fitness purify, empower, and keep you Here Now… om so ti, from your lifestyle coach who was here long, […]