How vital it is to refrain from the temptation to judge ourselves or the teachings, and to be humorously aware of our condition, and to realize that we are, at the moment, as if many people all living in one person.
How vital it is to refrain from the temptation to judge ourselves or the teachings, and to be humorously aware of our condition, and to realize that we are, at the moment, as if many people all living in one person.
Phew…after 37-miles and 2k of climbing, i attacked our lead group at 800 meters to go into a headwind then (once again) used HP Yoga Prop Workout core strength to kick again like a half dead trout to take the final sprint by half a wheel over my…
yet both – Holding a Grudge and Gossiping – are on the podium of the “Do Not Do List” of the yogic/spiritual athlete hit list. Why? More on that in a m(om)ment…for now, let’s explore a bit deeper the attraction of holding a grudge…
ilg begins each Wednesday night HP Yoga® Class with the most ancient Prayer known; it is the Prayer of the Five Dhyana Buddha’s and there is a line in there which is a real stinker for us feeble Seekers along the Higher Way…it goes;
THANK YOU! as you know over the past 3+ decades, you can count on coach ilg to embrace only the the most important, vital, world-class projects, services, and products of our precious plane(t)…and so it is with getting Sandra “Dawagahti” Lee to make history this weekend, yet i need your help, now!
thank you for the temple bell rings… it has been too long since i heard those.. i long for the temple bell rings… it was something i have been missing for so so long. thank you for taking me back in time for those.
and since it has been a long time can you explain to me meaning of the temple bell rings…thank you
pic by Ananda; coach finishing an Early Morning Ritual when we lived beneath the Sacred Peak of Doko Oosliid
Durango local snowshoe racer, Sandra “Dawagaghti” Lee ( yinishye, Tachii nii nishli, Kinyaa aanii bashishchini – born for the Red-Running-Into-Water Clan, and born for the Towering House Clan), ran a National Qualifying time at Durango’s USSSA-Sanctioned Snowshoe Race; The Winter Warrior 10k (held Feb. 9th, at the Durango Nordic Center), and now stands to make sports history as the first female Native American to ever compete at a National Snowshoe Championship…
She could be the FIRST female Native American to compete at the US National Snowshoe Championships this March 15-17…i NEED YOUR WARRIOR HAND!