it is Appropriate Action that on this Day After Wolf Moon,
this feeble Messenger, who grew up with a Wolf,
bestows upon the following Online Student a Recognition due to her
impeccable, elegant, and as focused as fire devotion to this Tremendously Steep Path of the Ancients
which spits out all but the most Sincere and Sattvic…
due to her incontrovertible allegiance to the SUNRIDER Herbs (she was our most Valuable SUNRIDER Leader of the year),
due to her devotion to take pilgrimage to the Sacred Peak and undertake a WF Private Intensive,
due to her seamless sincerity and transition to continue her Online Studies with Teacher Ananda when her original WF Teacher resigned,
due to her heart warming smile and utterly beautiful Goddess Spirit which shines throughout her Practice and Presence,
i give to the Worldwide WF Sangha our 2006 WF Online Student Of The Year…
As a recipient of this coveted recognition, i am sending my Beloved Student a “WF Master Student Inka” with a Special Gift…
Thank you, Student Shawna,
for demonstrating to ALL of us just what Equanimity of Practice and Steadfast Devotion
truly means.
You inspire us all!
We are going to ask Student Shawna for an exclusive Interview that will appear in…
get this:
Dat’s right baby! Ain’t it about time for the lovely and fierce Women of WF to sing their peerless song into the UniVerse?!?!
i TAF so!
Teacher Ananda has once again stepped up to the Plate, and in the next week plans to launch The Joyful Breath and i can think of no better way to celebrate this new, helpful Yin Energy into the UniVerse than for Teacher Ananda to interview our nearly crowned Goddess of Going Within, Master Student Shawna!
I will announce the Launch of The Joyful Breath soon. I do TAF that Teacher Ananda is planning to do once per week updates to her new forum. We will listen closely to the activity and input in the WF SanghaLounge to determine if a more frequent update is Appropriate Action for this new WF Approved Blog.
Congratulations, Master Student Shawna! May this year bring even DEEPER LEVELS of the Transformation which only you and your Teacher(s) of WF know!
God i love this Humble and Powerful Path!
God i love my devoted Students so willing, so graceful, so elegant along the Steep and Direct Path!
om so ti,
coach ilg
founder/Wholistic Fitness Personal Training
* Photos:
1) Last night’s Wolf Moon came roaring over the eastern peaks flanking the WF Temple. photo by coach.
2) Coach and Student Shawna, elbow to elbow during Bike Skill section of her Private Intensive. stunning photo by Ananda.
3) Coach spotting Shawna during Sport Climbing section of her Private Intensive. photo, Ananda.
4) MB Crunches during the Strength Training section of her Private Intensive. photo, Ananda.
5) Learning the WF StarDrive Technique ™ in the Iron Temple from Coach. photo, Ananda.
6&7) This was a Bardo Training Moment for Shawna and, for me, is what Sealed The Deal for her Master Student Inka; that woman from the Flatlands came up to the Sacred Peak, instilled the WF Sacred Mantra at 9,500′ and with One Pointed Mind and Arrow Like Spirit, this amazing Being did not stop until my Direction to stop at the “Logjam” Sign over a 1,000′ higher! Not only did she carry out her Coach’s instructions without one ounce of whining or doubt in her Capacity, she chanted her way into a final, all out, Zone 5 SPRINT for the Logjam Sign! This Beautiful Being will soar through the Bardo Realms if, by some chance which looks pretty small, she does not reach all out Enlightenment in this lifetime! photo, coach.