Noble Online Students,
both Ananda and myself are realizing that several of you have sent emails that we have not
a trick of Mara to destroy (y)our Abhyasa.
please resubmit any emails that we have not addressed, because we are pretty much caught up on our end.
contact your IPS and make sure our email addresses are not listed in your spam blocker(s).
finally; remember Online Students; it is the response-Ability of the Student – not the Teacher – to
provide those Wednesday and Sunday Training Updates to keep your Practice fluid! it is very difficult for Ananda or i
to keep accurate pace with your Wholistic Fitness Online Progression if YOU do not exhibit the GUMPTION and
Steadfastness required from a willing Student! Wednesday and Sunday are Update Days; just a few sentences is fine
or an Rig Veda like purge…doesn’t matter; what matters is that you keep those Updates coming into us!
persevere with the skillfulness of Padmasambhava…
head bowed,
coach ilg