An image that i shall certainly take into my Bardo Moment; my Beloved long, open highways of the American Southwest. when i begin work with a new student of this Steep and Direct Path of personal transformation through Wholistic Fitness, i see my work with you as such an open, expansive, adventurous Path. just as you cannot help but be transformed when you travel within the Spaciousness of the Southwest, so too, one cannot help but be changed nearly instantly once one begins to accept and do the lifestyle work of Wholistic Fitness. Below, GW from Boulder, comments on just how fast is this Transformation in WF Online Training. photo by ilg.

There was a lot of progress on many fronts this cycle. I had some real breakthroughs in strength training and most gratifyingly, on my bicycle. I am working on Yoga, and as I remember from learning anything new and challenging, it will take a while to ‘click’. The mindfulness exercises are particularly good for me and I believe I will make continued progress in this area. Nutritionally I am really close to where I want to be. There is not as much ‘mindless surplus’ that enters my body anymore and I have actually had to buy some smaller clothes.

your prescribed

WF EMR (Early Morning Ritual)

is a nice bedrock to go forward into the day from. The workloads involved in this cycle were really perfect, it was enough to be pretty challenging and keep me striving.

i will sign up for another 6 months at the end of our Online Training Term.”

GW, Boulder, CO

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