WF Online Shishya Tina B – my long time friend, yogini, and a kickass Krav Maga Teacher – from Los Angeles stretches into the Pacific Sunset…
“To my beloved Coach ilg,
WOW!! The DL has been sooo great! July’s 1st was a hot Teaching for me being that I have a hard time with taking the time to practice meditation. It reminded me of how much more awareness and connected I feel to myself and my life when I am consistent, and what an amazing sense that is to experience. I like being in that place. I want more of that!
Taking on challenges is so very important to me. I loose track of that at times. I know I like to be challenged but sometimes I become lazy and most of the time I become afraid. Afraid of not being able to succeed. And winning by making it okay to loose. Now there’s a concept to practice! Lastly, I have not thought about the importance of training the brain through concentration. AHHHGG!! I’m ecstatic!! I have so much to work with here. It’s great!
I’m leaving to Las Vegas at 4:30 am tomorrow for a Martial Arts Supershow. I have packed a cooler of nutritious foods and snacks so that I do not have to eat hotel food for every meal while out there. So the next few days are going to be a bit toxic on my body. Not a lot of sleep, not enough live food, and finally, there may be alcohol involved. Right now, those things do not sound appealing to me at all. I think I may be growing up. Ha ha! Epiphany?
I bow to you, Namaste’,
Shishya TB
Three Simple WF Observations from yesterday;
1) Most people, it seems, when walking their dog are really just walking their Mind.
2) As i stood shaving i had to keep moving around a spider near my feet so i would not kill him. i called it my Spider Dance. it made shaving much more fun and mindful!
3) Never do i look or feel more tired then after i come away from my computer after a long while. Never do i look or feel more Chi-Full then after i come away from a workout or meditation. Hmmmm.
How are you going to choose to nourish yourSelf today?
Please do not let your mind stray too far away from the WF Sacred Mantra…
bowed before yet another miracle day beneath the Peak…
much love, much Light…
your coach in your Sacred Workout corner
“Please do not let your mind stray too far away from the WF Sacred Mantra”
wise & useful words i need to practice more