Most Cherished Sangha,

my heart opens as i sit beside these falling aspen leaves.

facilitating and corresponding with so many beautiful Warriors worldwide
who sense the necessity of a balanced personal fitness Practice like WF
is truly, truly a Great Blessing.

here is what does not matter:
regardless of how elegantly,
and sweatfully
i attempt to Teach and Transmit
a Path of Balanced Lifestyle Fitness,
most of us treat the engagement of such a Practice as almost fiction.

i attempt to Teach through speech, body, and mind.

many of us are still hell bent on cluttering up our lives instead of simplifying our Precious Journey.

we must each question our Intent behind our addiction to so much busy-ness.

do you know that i have one of the most powerful literary agents in all the world?

with one phone call to her,
i could probably skyrocket my earning potential back up to the self-made millionaire status which
i have done before in my life. i could set up a process in which
books, TV, speaking tours, etc., etc., could easily become the turbulent flow of my life again.

what would happen to us?

is my reaching MORE people
more important
than reaching YOU?

what would happen to making my newborn baby daugther’s each daily spurt of taking on egoic form my Practice?

yesterday, Dewa began exploring Her new Formful Universe with ever extending and flexing tiny fingers…minute explorations into the ether of this plane(t). i tripped with Her for a long while; making Her every motion my Practice in EkaGraha or one-pointed concentration. such Love, such Depth.

so what if i remain ‘poor’ by other author’s and world champion athlete’s standards?

what is Wealth if not an Abundance of Time and Energy to be (with) that which we love to do?


Ananda and i have spent the last two days in the Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit with Dewa.

It was a Great Blessing holding High, Powerful Medicine.

Our Practice in the hospital was such that three Nurses now have our Yoga Dvd’s and are stoked to take up classes with us.

A WF Warrior all-Ways radiates their Practice out loud.

No matter what.

No matter where.


Do you know what i mean when i speak to you about Conscientious Kindness?

That phrase means;
Con = With
Science = Systematic Practice
Kindness = To Treat Others as “Kin”…Kin-dness; the quality of being friendly

i created WF as a Path of Karma Yoga to basically help my own lame self become a better, more whole Human Being during my time spent here. i knew that the Fitness Disciplines alone would not be enough to create a Kinder steve ilg. something had to be interwoven within my lifestyle to reMind me over and over again to keep “my workout everywhere,” that is to say,
to keep Conscious or to use an Eastern phrase; To Stay Awake.

no matter how busy,
how cluttered,
how stressed out
you have mucked up your Precious Journey;

Have Faith and Practice the 4 Lifestyle Principles of WF:
#1; Breath and Posture (restores Conscientiousness)
#2; Mindfulness (restores Grounded Nature)
#3; Appropriate Action (restores Spaciousness).
#4; Practice (restores Sadhana)


Now if that is too much to handle,
then just do what Patanjali offers in Sadhana Pada Dwi of the Yoga Sutras;
“Just Practice Being Friendly.”

that’s right.

forget about the meditation cushion.

let the yoga mat wither.

watch the rust creep over your barbell set.

does not matter one weensie bit if you just do One Act toward preserving your Practice of WF:

Practice Being Kind.

Right here.

Right now.

With your computer.

With your partner.

With your children.

With your inJury’s or Illness.

With your addictions and negative traits.

With your self.

With the falling aspen leaves which will not fall again in their current form.

Can you
See yourself in the elegant death of an aspen leaf? or is that just too far fetched from your notion of Personal Fitness?

Can you
See – like the aspen leaf – how you too will never be able to visit this Body, this Form?

what’s gonna be your Song to the UniVerse?

“Oh, he was a very busy man!”

What’s gonna be your Song to your children?

“Oh, my mom? She was very busy…”

How much Money do you need to be At Peace
At Balance
At Art
At Conscientiousness with your Kindness?

Have you confused Wealth with Health?

Who Are You?

What Are You Doing Reading This Far?


In our Tradition there is a saying – a mantra; if Imparted to you by your Teacher.
It is designed to help the busy-addicted people;
“Man me Ram, hath me kam.”

it means;
“In mind, Ram (God); in the hand, work.”

No matter how intense grow your challenges,
Regardless of the clutter of your busyness,
keep your Mind with Ram as you keep your work in hand.

Dance not the line of your neurotic impulses to do,
Dance with the rhythmic line that monuments who you choose to be.

Om So Ti,
the mountain yogi

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