“The practice of mindfulness, of bringing the scattered mind home, and so of bringing the different aspects of our being into focus, is called Calm Abiding.All the fragmented aspects of ourselves, which had been at war, settle and dissolve and become friends. In that settling we begin to understand ourselves more, and sometimes even have glimpses of the radiance of our fundamental nature.”
– Sogyal Rinpoche
The above quote epitomizes the Noble Effort of the person i chose at last night’s HP Yoga Class at:
Northern Arizona Yoga Center
Fittingly, before the Holiday Break, i chose to teach the venerable “GREEN TARA HP Yoga Routine” the very same program that is in your TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION book. Love that routine; so healing in its simplicity. In fact, i am about to release the Green Tara HP Yoga Routine as an audio file and CD so you and i can enjoy it together in the ether!
As the Goddess Protector of Human Beings entering the Bardo Realm, Green Tara – one of two daughters born from the tears of compassion from Avalokiteshvara – protects and guides our spiritual journey. She is the ideal Best Friend for us when entering the Astral Planes in meditation and, of course, in our Bardo Entry. Please get to know Her well; if you train on the GREEN TARA PROGRAM in TBT, i promise you; you will Feel Her Presence dancing Lightly within your cells.
before the MAJOR MEDIA and AGENTS attempt to get my newly named; 2007 HP YOGI OF THE YEAR signed up to sponsorships, tv shows, etc., i am trying to get an exclusive interview with this Maha Yogi of our Tribe.
stay tuned!
from this snow-splintered sunrise i bow to you and leave you with the following Student input for more inspiration to your day, this day, this precious day of all days!!!
breathe lovingly today,
keep an elegant spine,
and may your workout find you within as many moments as possible today…me? well, my tele boards are calling me as some snow clouds have camped out above the Sacred Peak…i’m gone, off, cloud hidden, whereabouts unknown…
just where i prefer to be!Om So Ti,
your mountain yogi
In 1297 there was published a document known as the Magna Carta which planted the seed for the rule of laws, the right of habeas corpus, the proper function of society. From what I have read it was an incredible piece of thought and promise. Today, when reading your DL (12*18*07), it occurred to me that you have tied together the human need for spirituality in a comprehensive manner ..and it makes sense and you have made a difference in countless lives. Comparable to the Magna Carta? Absofuckinglutely. Warrior Up in honor of the Coach!.
Tom H.
Dear Coach,
I plan on being there this Thursday again for another phenomenal journey of your HP PROP WORKOUT. This is only my 3rd class with you, however, it inspires me and pushes me like no other. Thank you for your energy…Robin Lyon
Welcome to Online Training:
two most cherished long-time WF Warriors are going to take the LEAP into WF Online Training this January:
Karen C, one of our Tribal Artists and former Front Desk Assistant at my HIGH PERFORMANCE YOGA STUDIO in Los Angeles…
Tom H…
another artist of a different type; a stone mason!
my hands are wringing with eagerness to start GOING DEEP with these two Noble Warriors of the Inner Workouts! i Trust you will hear more from them as their Journey unfolds!
Welcome Them and wish them GodSpeed in their Studies!
Have YOU applied for Online Training in 2008? you better get in line! Applications are found in the
The WF Pro Shop