Dear Steve & Joy,
As spring approaches I am reminded of you. It was a few years ago in the spring when I began my journey through the TBT and on to a new me. Each time the weather changes from cold to warm, dark to bright, I think of how you have influenced my life. There is so much in my life that I can now trace back to your teaching, for that I am grateful. Jen and I are doing well, and we are attending a new church which aligns us with our New Thought. Each and every day I find myself correcting my posture, becoming more aware of my breath and leading by example as you have mentioned so many times.
I trust this e-mail will find you and your family in the best of health. One day in the future when we decide to journey to the beautiful red rocks again, we will be sure to contact you…until then,
Spring blessings,
Karl MacPhee
Fitness Director & Strength Coach
Ross Sheppard High School