Wise, Firm yet Moderate…

Published on May 07, 2008 by in Tribal Synchronicity


just over a week ago
i awoke in the Big City
(the Outer one, not the Inner One!)…

sounds of buses and horns
instead of wind whispering through ponderosa

sights of hurried faces and blaring ads adorning sides of buses
instead the yellow-flash acrobatics of Western Tanangers in midair spring courtship

for fun, i read my horoscope within the busy-ness as i would soon be packing up and moving the last belongings from LA to Flag which has taken us over a year:

“There’s no easy way to do what must be done this week. You must take account of a particular ‘hard fact’ and act accordingly. If you try to ignore it, events will oblige you to sit up and take notice. Bad news? Not really. You face a difficult decision that is likely to involve compromise or temporary hardship. But no matter how you try to sweeten or soften it, the move is one you have long needed to make. Be honourable, courageous, wise, firm yet moderate.”

Om So Ti,


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