after Dewa, Ananda, and i returned to 3-Chi Manor last evening from a great
workout at the “Iron Temple” (WF Lingo for ‘the gym’)…i could smell the cologne of Father Sky wearing the scent that turns me on MORE THAN ANYTHING on this plane(t)…
I COULD SMELL SNOW IN THE AIR! i quickly took this shot as Evening Brahmamuhurti pummeled my cells with deliciously powerful Pran…i told my girls to sleep well, cause Abba (Daddy) TAF’s we’ll ALL be playing in the snow tomorrow…
…and we woke up to these early winter scenes…
…”Skaky” holding His postural grace through any weather, any season…
…the only gas-guzzler that comes with an Ilg-Stamp-Of-Approval!…
now, i’d love stay and share more,
i’ve got two girls to play with in the snow and
get up onto the Sacred Peak and score some FIRST TRACKS!!!!
it’s a busy day for:
May My Passion For Frozen Water Element shock your own Water Element and may you CRANK WITH SACRED SWEAT TODAY!