“Warriorship is a continual journey. To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life.”
– Rinpoche Trungpa

in my book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION, i define the WF notion of “Warriorism” on the top of page 15. please review it.

to make a ‘direct line’ toward the summit of Warriorship, we must crean our heads way, way, way back in order to look straight up toward the Highest Summit.

then, we smile, acknowledging the fact that, “Phew boy…that summit is WAAAAY up there!”

do not despair that you may not reach the summit in this lifetime.

if you are reading this Teaching, you are doing precisely what is needed to lay the energetic groundwork, the spiritual foundational fitness for one day reaching that summit. in most cases, according to the samskaric and karmic vibratory rate of where WF is stationed, we are about 6 lifetimes away from Enlightenment…that is very, very CLOSE! however, we must work VERY, VERY hard and sincerely to stay focused and not lose the Awakening that we have gained thus far when we die to this body…

back to that glimmering, windswept metaphysical summit:
what’s on the summit, if we reach it?

Three Qualities of Being:
Basic go(o)dness, unfathomable awe, and unflappable cheerfulness.

“Wow,” you may think right about now, “That’s IT?…just basic go(o)dness and cheerfulness?”

yup. pretty much.

the WF Tradition shares her Warriorship training with the Tibetan “Shambala Path of Warriorship” as Transmitted to me by Rinpoche Trungpa during my studies from Naropa University many, many moons ago in Boulder, Colorado. from such a perspective, to become child-like is very important to the WF Warrior. children naturally inhabit an ongoing state of being rooted in basic go(o)dness, awe, and cheerfulness. it is impossible to become a Warrior without the experience of shucking the adult ego. thus, all the WF Purification and Meditation Practices are designed to return us, if even for a m(om)ent, to our basic go(o)dness, egolessness, and cheerfulness.

if your Practice today does not contribute to your cheerfulness,
that is a Challenge that must be studiously worked at until dissolved.

over the DL Teachings ahead, in order to spark our Practice for the New Year, i will attempt to impart the notion that your training in Warriorship (female Practitioners will please excuse the ‘masculine’ inflection…Warrioressship, which would be absolutely accurate, is sadly a bit tangled of a word) is a divine sutra (thread) that has been running and remains an inescapable part of your entire life(times).

so, through these New Year DL’s we will share together learning the Discipline of training in a Wholistic Fitness manner,
we will learn to appreciate, if not celebrate, the Path of being a Disciple of re-learning Go(o)dness, Appreciation/Awe, and Cheerfulness.

one of the first Teachings we will re-visit is the word; “Discipline” which, sadly, carries many negative connotations, these days.

feeble ilg will clarify that in the next DL Teaching of Warriorship.

Om So Ti,

your loving warrior along the Path

photo: “Padma Sit Ups” photo by: James Q Martin

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