The birth of a man is the birth of his sorrow. The longer he lives, the more stupid he becomes, because his anxiety to avoid unavoidable death becomes more and more acute. What bitterness! He lives for what is always out of reach! His thirst for survival in the future makes him incapable of living in the present. – CHUANG TZU
Now that i have my Noble Sangha grounded by one Master’s words,
let’s take some true ‘life coaching’ from where no ‘certification’ is required;
the Enlightened Masters…
their only certification papers?
their Life Message and the halo which beams like a beacon
for all others…
here is Buddha’s counsel on the Path to Virtual Death
as typified in my photo above…
Buddha recognized two ways of living in this world:
1). Pravrtti Dharma (Inclination to action)
2). Nivrtti Dharma (Finished with action)
The Buddha makes His preference clear:
“Set your mind on the cessation of activity (nivrtti), because where there is no inclination to action (pravrtti), there is no suffering” (BC 20.43) “The continuance of active being (pravrtti) is suffering and the cessation thereof (nivrtti) is freedom from suffering.” (BC 26.18)
He put it eloquently in a verse:
“Monks do collect your thoughts, Be mindful restrain all resolves.” (DN 16.3.51)
Considering the fact that with His parinirvana Buddha attained final and total freedom from all karma (pari-nivrrta), His visible joy at his impeding end is but understandable.
However, for ordinary blokes like you and i, far less traveled on the path of enlightenment, the thought of bereavement from the Buddha could be highly traumatic as it was for many of His disciples. The ever-compassionate Buddha tried His best to calm them with the words:
“Recognize the true nature of this world and don’t be anxious, for separation is but inevitable. Strive that this world never happens to you again (i.e. you are not born again)” (BC 26.85)
Still unsure of how best to use your sweat, your stillness, your everyday life
toward spiritual training toward Awakening and possible Enlightenment?
Wholistic Fitness® study can offer help in making Conscious that which is
often Unconscious; in WF study where we suffer most is where we begin first.
Let me know if i can help keep you on Track toward getting and staying Awake.
this is NOT to assume that feeble ilg knows Something about Enlightenment,
it’s just that our Noble Sangha and Lineage can offer safe, effective
spiritual stepping stones while ensuring each morsel of sweat,
each moment of attempting to be a better more whole Human
is not wasted.
Om So Ti,
your EarthDance coach…
all-ways intent upon your Highest Self