okay, so, like Lance…let’s say my cycling fitness is exactly up to snuff…gee, i reckon’d 4 times on my bike woulda been plenty…!
this is my main man of the New Mexico road racing, Richard “Grammage” Verderame of High Desert Cycling. formerly, my ‘lead out’ man when we raced together on the regional Motorola squad in the years i lived in New Mexico. we’ve just finished our warm up and are ready to rumble…Grammage took an impressive 6th place in the 50+ category on a typically wind-blasted 50-mile triangular course near the historic railway town of Belen, New Mexico.
ilg hung tough in the younger division…however, at mile 31 as our 75-man peleton had already withered into a 20-odd Lead Group, my legs just did not have the cycling-specific capacity to handle the dozen or so attacks into a growing wind on some big chainring rollers on the second triangle leg. i got pressured off and immediately dropped into my solo TT position to take on the lonely task of soloing into a 18mph full on headwind as the course made the final north leg turn toward the Finish Line. i picked up several racers who also had dropped, and, dropped them which was really pleasantly surprising, given my total lack of cycling volume. 5 miles from the Finish, however, most of the stragglers that i had dropped had formed a Lead Chase group and caught me and this poor other soul whom was struggling gamely to hold my wheel and help me once in a while.
Stoked to take advantage of this 11-strong Lead Chase Group, i recovered enough during our rotating paceline to stay with the guys as the strongest of our group opened up for the final kilometer dash to the Finish. i took fourth in the sprint from our Chase Group, finishing somewhere in the top 20, although i came really close to pulling my left hamstring in that finish sprint…my legs are like, “Dude, what the F&%k do you think you are doing?!?!…50 miles of racing in the wind, a good part of it solo, and now you want us to contest the sprint without any cycling training?”

I had a fantastic time, reConnecting with Grammage and reConnecting with a SEFERINOS Potato-and-Egg Burrito after the race…note the extra “Christmas” Chile i got to go with this AMAZINGLY go(o)d burrito…i used to thrive on Sef’s burritos when i lived down here. Burritos make me happy.
i’ll be back with some postcards from Neuvo Meh-hee-ko…however, i see that there has been an overwhelming response to my new WF Cookbook!!! THANK YOU! i’ll get right on your orders…
man, my mind felt strong in that wind, and i can’t say enough about how well WF served my cycling fitness without even cycling! thanks to
MAP Amino Acids and my new sponsor…another SECRET WEAPON of nutritional help that i am about ready to share with you all…stay tuned!