after attaining 10 out of 10 possible podiums in winter racing including 3 overall wins at age 50?
this morning?
ilg wanted the only podium to step upon to be a moss covered rock in the Sacred Animas while wetting a few Mantra-soaked lines…here i am using the Blessed Mantra NOT to catch a Fish Being…

upon returning from my fortunately violence-free yet spiritually resplendent mOMent on the Sacred Animas,
i came hOMe to take a you-know-what and found this treasured parade of Dewachen’s cars on the bathroom counter…i know all their names, however, ilg won’t subject the non-parents to such deeply important and heart-opening reveal-ments…

an hour later?  the best Sight ever for the sincere student of WF…
another new shipment of the Secret Whole Food Herbs of SUNRIDER arrives upon our doorstep
beneath the warming rays of a March Grandfather Sun…

…so i Consciously and Appreciatively open them and place them among the other Sacred Nutritional Arrows within the WF Nutritional Quiver which still keeps ilg winning Overall Championships at age 50:  SUNRIDER Herbs,  Asea Sacred Water, and MAP Amino Acids…just walk the Path and witness the Transformation!!!

of course, being the Warrior-Idiot ilg is…
i HAD to go tele skiing for a few chi hits…and on my final run (ain’t it always the final run?) i jumped at
an over-baked speed a headwall on Pandemonium that ilg has jumped a hundred thousand times since being a punk in blue jeans and a red bandana tied above the knee…landed off-camber and it popped my minimal tele binding and i fell directly at high speed onto my left thumb (which has smarted me each time i have to use it to type this to Thee), and skidded at even higher velocity on my Gore-tex™ outer layer straight toward a chairlift tower…thankfully my near-constant Mantra and prayers to Hanuman intervened, and at the last mOMent, instead of my skull and (formerly paralyzed spine) t-boned at mach speed into the chairlift toward,  Hanuman breathed my sorry flailing ass away from danger and in the end?  only a sprained thumb (probably woulda broken if it weren’t for my HP Yoga  and WF Practice)…guess ilg will be talk-teaching my yoga classes for the next week or so as i double up on my MAP, SUNRIDER Herbs, and Asea to heal…actually?   i even gave a massage today on my thumb after saturating it with Mantra and a special yogi healing formula from www.windhorsebotanicals.com

2 Responses to “This M(om)ent…of Mantra Fishing, Dewa Cars, and Sprained Thumbs…”

  1. Leferisen John says:

    traffic is bumper-to-bumper in that bathroom!
    love the cars and the fact that each have a name!

  2. coach says:

    Warrior Leaf!
    😉 yeah, that’s “Cheerio’s” leading the line, followed by: Thunder, Purp 1, Viper, Verde, Convertible, St. Patrick, Monty, and i can’t tell the rest from the angle…

    oh, we hit up the Park yesterday in a blustery, cold wind and Dewa wore her Diné fleece vest from y’all as she rode her push bike, “Thomas”. she REALLY digs that vest, thank you!

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