Never having toed a Start Line to breaking a Course Record as a teammate of feeble ilg;  Jessica Robbins (L) receives her First Place  Ribbon at the Pagosa Springs Winter Quadrathlon, next to Coach Ilg holding Dewachen Ilg.  Pic by Ananda.

“Student J,” i asked my new HP Yoga® Student Jessica Robbins last January, “will you be my teammate for the Pagosa Springs Winter Quadrathlon this March?…i need you to do the Swim.”

“But…Coach…don’t you want to WIN?!?!  Why choose ME as your teammate?” was the reply from an incredulous Jessica, mother of two, former elite snowboarder who found herself waaaay out of shape when the WF Deities guided her, scared out of her mind, to my HP Yoga® Prop Workout® last September through devoted student Mark Rosenthal, an elite cyclist and mountain athlete here in Durango.

“I…i don’t know why,” was my paltry answer to Jessica, “The WF Deities came to ilg during Meditation and told me to ask you to be my teammate.  That is all.”

Jessica agreed, nervously, to anchor the swim (cuz y’all KNOW how well ilg can swim, right?) while i would hammer out the nordic ski, run, and bike legs before handing off to J.  i tailored J’s training and when Race Day arrived, i handed the ‘baton’ off to her with a Deity-inspired cOManding lead…J dove into the pool in front of her gathered family and not only did she swim her spiritual and physical heart out on that precious morning of mornings?  She swam soooooo hard that she helped us BEAT my existing Course Record with Ironman Triathlete, Randy Stueve from the previous year!  “This is the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!” Jessica cried into my shoulder as she collapsed into my arms after her Noble Effort.

Moral of this Dharma story?

Listen to your Higher Source(s)…and no matter how absurd, wrong, you may think the requests?   Just follow and watch the UniVerse respond in the most loving, compassionate, and amazing ways!!!

Oh,  and before ilg forgets (i am getting quite old, you know),  before a recent HP Yoga® PROP WORKOUT, Jessica asked to speak before the gathered students, “I just want to let you know that through Coach Ilg’s grace and workouts and through Joy’s Quickfix Power Yoga DVD which i do faithfully each morning,  i have lost 50lbs since last September and…(breaking down emotionally)…and…(looking at me in such a soul-full way)…if it wasn’t for Coach Ilg’s constant encouragements…even if it was a late night email that started with his ‘Dear Precious Yogini Jessica,’…there is NO WAY i could have achieved what i did…”

The WF Path works…
if YOU work the Path!

Feel free to contact us with any questions at 970*590*0990 or email:  steve@wholsticfitness.com

We’re here to help your Way Higher through personal wholeness via fitness!

Kali Peh (Travel Well in Tibetan),

steve ilg
Wholistic Fitness

One Response to “Student Dharma Story…Jessica R…50lbs lighter, a Course Record Holder, and pranically Brighter!”

  1. Leslie Hutchinson says:

    Hello Jessica,
    IWAY- to-GO!!!!! I delight in your “story” and I know that there were many chapters since you agreed to join EC and take the WF plunge. I truly honor your journey and I look forward to the next go-round. Having Ilg in one’s court is a blessing indeed. Leslie from Kinlani

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