

my last Hurrah….no more sponsorship $ left…can you help? wanna bring Dewa to do the Kids Race…in Winter Park;  7 hour drive from Durango…need lodging and food…
please consider helping me and Dewa (entered in the Kids Race) as i solider on toward a 2016/17 season swan song to finish my thus far 100% podium winter racing season in my toughest, longest, most grueling challenge yet: a 50k Classic Race in the heart of the Front Range’s biggest nordic race!

my results thus far have been:
• 8 races entered
• 8 podiums
• 6 Overall Victories (age 54)
• 8 Age Group Victories
in Colorado’s most challenging, most highly attended winter racing events…

on behalf of Dewa and myself, contribute here:http://wholisticfitness.com/tribal-pro-shop/temple-tithe/

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