pic by feeble ilg yesterday: Sandra Lee dropping into the Divinity of a very special waterfall that her Daddy
used to bring her to, many moons ago… Real Daddy’s? Do Whatever It Takes To Git Their Girls (and/or Boys)
out to Mother Nature as often and with as much Sacred Sweat to get there as feasible.
Tis the Ancestor’s Ways…
This M(om)ent…
A now forlorn waterfall
once crushing these granite walls
Just a few months earlier…
Still they strive
attempting to carve
a minute difference into the
Humans not that different fr(om)
Waterfalls after all…
late autumn.
every thing
every being
hunkering down
every limb
every blade of now Golden grass
lies down
hunkers down
close to Mother’s breast…
in submittal
in fetal posture…
awaiting the soon to c(om)e snows…
this season?
enthrall’s simpleton ilg’s paltry senses of what REALLY MATTERS!!!
ilg too, wants to lie fetal, next to Ma,
gather a few sparse Pine Needles next to my own breast
hunker down…
Be With What Is…
slow moving creeks throttling a slight Ujjayi chuckle almost
brisk, cutting breezes upon cheeks
better be prepared for more…
ilg is happy now…
Tourists, bugs, ATV’s and other pests of summer gone…
Transition season before the braggart blasts of snowboarders arrive with acoustic false drive…
ilg happy now…