it is true that asana (the sustained stretching exercise component of yoga) can in fact create a ‘longer, sleeker’ appearance to the physique than does a strict bodybuilding or weightlifting only program. Asana, i suppose it can be said, creates a ‘cat-like’ physique as opposed to a ‘bulldozer’ physique from gym-only training or an anorexic, imbalanced physique common to sport-specfic endurance athletes. photo: coach’s “body vehicle this time around,” as he refers to his 44-year old ‘carriage of the spirit’. as is evident, a firm Practice in asana does not take away the much coveted “ripped” look from a Wholistic Fitness physique. What matters most to a WF Warrior however, is that the balanced physique is also balanced in all of the physiologic capacities of a human body. For most of us, attaining such elite mastery of physique plus world class function in all physiologic disciplines will require the rest of our lives. “Hey,” says coach referring to this seemingly endless pursuit of genuine yoga or Balance, “It keeps us off the streets!” photo by
Dear Coach,
i am 19 and am currently doing your “Cosmic Yang” weight program (OUCH!!!!). it’s really hard to explain to my training partners about your techniques and things like, “Being elegant” in the gym. i have not been doing yoga or too much cardio (except on an exercise bike a little) because my friends tell me that if i do yoga or too much cardio my muscles will smooth out from the yoga and get skinny from the cardio. i don’t know what to do. i know you are busy, and you don’t have to write me back, but i am confused and getting kinda bummed out on everything.”
– Terrance, NY
Most Noble Young Warrior T,
first, i bow to your Devoted Practice.
second, it is true that asana (the sustained stretching exercise component of yoga) can in fact create a ‘longer, sleeker’ appearance to the physique than does a strict bodybuilding or weightlifting only program. Asana, i suppose it can be said, creates a ‘cat-like’ physique as opposed to a ‘bulldozer’ physique from gym-only training or an anorexic, imbalanced physique common to sport-specfic endurance athletes. as you know, Strength Training is the FIRST Fitness Discipline of Wholistic Fitness. before even Cardio (to build balanced joint health) and even before Yoga. why? because besides imparting a vital infrastructure to the human capacity, Strength Training builds something even more beautiful and powerful than a balanced, lean physique; Strength Training builds GUMPTION! Gumption to blast through doubts, perceived limits of mind, and most of all, Strength Training teaches us the CHI of at least become aware of if not demolishing our “granthis” or pyschospiritual blockages.
in the WF Medicine Wheel of Life; Strength Training is best served under while young. the Iron Temple imparts many profound astral Teachers for a young warrior or warrioress. in mid-life, Strength Training can often be minimized while yoga and cardio are prioritized. as we grow older, Strength Training must again be re-elevated, although not so high as when we are young.
with enough Training, the WF Warrior achieves a physique and more importantly a physiology that is utterly balanced and capable within all the human capacities. this physiologic fitness must be gained through steadfast training (abhyasa) on the physical (gross) level first – which will probably require most of our current lives to attain- then, in a Divine Training Effect, our Balanced, Wholistic Physique and Physiologic Fitness trickles into and transforms our Subtle, then Refined sheaths.
thus, if a 355 lb Back Squat comes “easy” to some folks, they should not harbor too much pride, because they must always develop as much fitness in their endurance and suppleness fitness as well.
we must never forget that it is through our multi-disciplined fitness, actions, words, and thoughts that we have achieve genuine yoga or union with Balance. if we choose to remain infatuated only with our performances in the gym or on the yoga mat or in cardio or even on the meditation cushion, we cannot put an end to our suffering and the causes of our suffering because our true potential, our buddha nature, is to awaken ALL of the human capacities in us. Until our Wholistic Fitness is completely awakened and we are freed from our ignorance of sport and/or physiologic specificity to merge with the deathless, enlightened mind/body/spirit, then there can be no end to the round of life and death.
if we only do ‘yoga’ for instance, we can get very high and mighty and we meet certain Teachers and we think that we have ‘found our guru’…usually some old guy from India. that is all great, fine, and dandy. yet i say unto you, Oh Noble Young Warrior, the Teachers that you meet in only ONE DISCIPLINE can only introduce you to your Inner Teachers from ONE OF YOUR SPIRITUAL FAMILY!
there are as many Inner Teachers as there are human capacities. thus, to gain liberation, we must assume the fullest possible responsibility for ourselves now in this body. if we choose only to develop fitness in one of our capacity categories, our suffering will go on not only for a few more lives but for thousands of lives.
it is this humbling knowledge that makes even the most expert athletes or yogis turn and run away from Wholistic Fitness. in this Path, we do not elevate or even consider spending precious time enjoying that which comes easy to us naturally or even the mastery of a once difficult physiologic category. instead, we in this Path are trained to constantly hunt down our restrictions and weakness and imbalances and negative tendencies and sport or discipline addictions that we intuitively know we need to overcome. we prize that which the Ancient Masters prized; that our future lives are more important even than this one, because there are many more that await us in the future. As Sogyal Rinpoche taught, “This long-term vision governs how they live. They know if we were to sacrifice the whole of eternity for this life, it would be like spending our entire life savings on one drink, madly ignoring the consequences.”
No shortcuts around the body; WF Rule Number One!
most athletes and yogis sacrifice the whole of their eternity for becoming ‘good’ in one area of their capacities.
the WF Warrior is content to be discontent with anything except the Highest of All Summits; The Grand Potential of Being Human…Enlightenment.
om so ti,
coach ilg
5 World Championships in 4 physiologically diverse sports
senior registered yoga teacher; International Yoga Alliance
{final photo by Ananda}