“Like a virgin/it feels so good inside…” – lyrics from Madonna with all possible apologies to the strikingly rad Lady Gaga, however, you ain’t even close to Madonna status. the Tangkha leading into my (our) Tribal Zendo where ilg comes up with all this stuff. this is where i cook and re-cook the WF Blessed Malas. if you have a pair of my Blessed Malas, you can always send Them back to me to have Them re-ignited. no charge for the Transmission…you just pay postage.

The second type of avidya or spiritual ignorance which begins clouding the Innocence of a chi-lds (our) mind is listed by Patanjali as ‘feeble.’ reading the next part of this Teaching will help explain to my students that are confused by my self-describing of myself as ‘feeble ilg.’

Here a person is not liberated from the klesha’s or inborn dispositions however, they are not active in the mind stream. As Swami puts it, “They {the kleshas} have sunk to the bottom of the mental lake and out of disuse have become very weak.”

So, whenever you read my signoff, “feeble ilg”
the Unaware may think,
“Oh right…look at this twerp….OUTSIDE magazine calls him “America’s MultiSport Mutant” and ULTRA CYCLING named him, “The World’s Fittest Human”…and here he goes pretending to be humble…”

that’s not my trip.

here is my trip with Feeble Ilg:
having lived with my very subtle trace forms of inborn dispositions which manifest in disturbingly powerful negative tendencies in all sorts of ways, ilg recognizes the countless dis-positions of my mental inelegance and consciously choose to call a spade a spade. ilg IS feeble. no question about it. doesn’t matter how bad of a physical hurt ilg can likely lay on you in all SORTS of physiologic ways…that ain’t what it’s about.

it’s about the incredible, seemingly insurmountable number of negative mental obstacles i’ve got hard-wired into this Soul Vehicle known as ilg.

may this Clarify this portion of this Sutra for thee. next; ilg attempts to explain the third and fourth states of Avidya as Patanjali forwards in this Sutra.

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