Published on Dec 17, 2002 by in Uncategorized


Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors!

off to go tele skiing…local area just got 6 ” last night…

YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!

cold wind

black ravens

ski edges biting into whistling snow

pine boughs

sky tipped clouds

colliding with infinity…

thus the Dharma rides the chair lift

by my feeble side…

enjoy this update…

and May Your Practice Be Strong and Sincere Today!

i bow to you,

Coach Ilg


Love your Direct Lines…..

I love your website, and have been really inspired by your writings.

Perfect – thank you!

What you say about LA rings so many bells – this little island isolated in the middle of the Mediterranean breeds superficiality and blatant misuse of resources – Ferraris on a 12 mile long island – it could be a mini LA….. but i love it anyway! (except for the lack of yoga teachers, masters resources…. I even had to get a mat from overseas…..)





Dear Coach,

As i was reading through DIRECT LINES, i was weeping with connection and joy. How much i have learned about myself, how brave i have been to walk this path, and how grateful i am that YOU were courageous enough to walk into your light. I bow.




Hi Steve:

I’ve been re-engaging with your work, and thus had occasion this morning to read your journal entry on returning to L.A. I had to laugh out loud at your comments about Hummers, since I own two original Hummers. I was thinking about your comments in the context of your eloquently expressed thoughts on “senseless aggression and domination” in “The Winter Athlete.” I read these last night as I was trying out the “Spinach Staple.” Good stuff, BTW.

Aggression and domination almost always spring from ideas, beliefs, and perspectives before being realized physically. The difference between how we see things and how they are can always be used to divide us if we allow it. Ultimately, our differences can divide or fascinate; the choice is ours.


I’m often astonished at the different reactions my trucks seem to induce. They range from various universally-understood hand gestures to requests for rides, photographs, and occasionally, marriage. The differences in the reactions from adults and children are fascinating, and wonderfully instructive. As you might imagine, children are almost singularly intrigued while nearly every adult has a judgment that goes well beyond curiosity. Some are outraged, some are jealous, some are ecstatic because they think my trucks are somehow an expression of a shared perspective. The reactions are as various as the people expressing them, but there is one common theme: the exclamation point of opinion almost always precedes the question mark of curiosity.

In the end, they tell me a lot more about themselves than they learn about me. Ironically, in expressing their opinions about my choices, they almost always miss the chance to learn something about their own.

Isn’t it a funny world?

All the best!



Yogini Alisha –

RE: Last week’s class was awesome. I had been feeling ill all week and couldn’t shake it. You said something profound during the asanas that assisted me in letting go of whatever it was. I had a healing and was very grateful to you and your amazing class.

� i am pleased you feel my feeble service helpful!

RE: I spoke with another yogi in the ladies room and we would love to have you make a tape or CD with your words of wisdom on it. It would be great to have one to put on just before drifting off to sleep to put all the good stuff into the subconscious.

� i have three wonderful lecture/meditation audio tapes available at my website along with three videos and several books including a book of poetry and my next book due out next January by HYPERION not too mention my daily online journal filled with all sorts of my strangeness.

there is plenty of ‘ilg’ out there…too much, probably! i bow to the Blessings in your life and your devoted Practice,


coach ilg


Dear Coach Ilg,

Many months ago I wrote a similar note to a well known zen teacher (an All-American in several water sports) who said he needed to eat flesh to sustain his heavy duty workouts. I specifically mentioned you and your accomplishments, attained (I thought) without resorting to killing animals (or even worse having someone else do your bidding).

So the time has come for me to say no to that which I find philosophically unacceptable (I think that is the converse or your apt phrase). Please unsubscribe me from your email list. No doubt I will miss some great stuff, as I have derived a lot of benefit from your writings. But if I don’t say no now, when will I.

Sincerely yours,



Dear Steve,

I just wanted to thank you for another great class today. The drive home from Yoga class today was so calming and peaceful. I think it is something so incredibly different from any other drive that I ever take. It is one of the true times that I am at peace with myself and my day. I was actually writing you because now that finals are over and I have the time to read for enjoyment and my own intellectual journey I wanted to study Yoga more extensively through literature and explore the spiritual side and philosophy of it. I was wondering if you could recommend any books to start out with. Thank you for you time and consideration


Chris Frost


Dear Steve –

I really felt great in class last night. I’m opening so much more.

I almost was able to execute side crane!

As I was in asana practice i felt a rush only to find that a friend’s mother had awakened from a coma of 7 days. is that spooky or what?

– L

Yogini L –

Not �spooky� at all. it�s quite natural. it is the limited acceptance of what we see as �Reality� that makes certain, completely natural, phenomena arising just seem �spooky�.

you opened onto an etheric portal due to the vibratory ‘shake up’ created by the intensity of your asana Practice last night…as well as the bodywork and energywork that we have been doing. remember my opening Dharma talk last night about ‘different perspectives’…like having ‘cable’ as opposed to only one channel?

same thing happened to you in class last night. a Gateway opened. you can facilitate such things if desired. this is a beginning sign of your siddhis or yogic powers. not spooky at all. quite scientific and natural to the yogic way of things!

Don�t attach…just Practice Awareness!



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