Published on Oct 04, 2003 by in Uncategorized


�The proper study of mankind is man.�

Alexander Pope

i’ve spent most of the past 12 hours in meditation.

i am using my mind and SUNRIDER herbs in an attempt to ‘overcome’ an oncoming headcold or whatever is manifesting blockage to my chi flow.

i am confident that i shall not miss one training workout or teaching one yoga class. i suppose confidence is a quality bequeathed to one who relies on oneself to overcome challenges, injuries, and sidestep common illnesses. once you know the technique, it becomes easier to repeat. herbs, natural technologies, and the wisdom of yoga make gaining self-confidence quite a bit easier. but you�ve got to practice.

my point is that i considered the initial sensations of �sickness� as a quick test my spiritual weapons. getting sick could be like the Divine�s way for sharpening our spiritual capacities.

one who enters a spiritually conscious life can no longer take the onset of ‘symptoms’ and shuffle them under some other deck to unconsciously reach for the Vicks Head & Cold medicine. as yogis, we are trained not to be too quick to give our power over to externals. we use equanimity to equalize latent conditioning. with practice of equanimity we can learn to approach each challenge in our lives as opportunities to sharpen our spiritual strength.

this morning i missed my bicycle training ride with the �big boyz.� this fact dismantles my egoic esteem. the measure of compulsiveness that once drove me to podiums as an athlete is quick to offer me guilt for not training. my ego wants to force myself onto my bike and ride anyway, ignoring the blatant fact that i�ve been through long months of endless days trying to build my own yoga studio while running other training and healing services as well.

as my friend, Ananda, just reminded me, �Sometimes saying no to a workout is as beneficial in quality as having a great, high energy workout.� so i here i sit writing true as possible to you, my beloved sangha of fitness warriors. this to me is healing. you, reading this, is helping me naturally growing stronger. i bow to you. here i sit, cross-legged, breath low, spine straight…listening to the language of my body, attending to her needs instead of falling prey to what my ego wants or thinks i �should be� doing.

listening to and corresponding with my body today and not forcing it gives me deep chance to apply the real yoga, the real listening.

the true study of man begins by listening inwardly and responding appropriately.

what if everybody did this?

than �mankind� might just be transformed



May Your Practice Be Strong and Sincere today…


coach ilg

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