Published on Oct 12, 2003 by in Uncategorized


Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors!

�Everybody talks about Zen. Few people actually sit it.�

– Coach Ilg

If you go to the Class Schedule of my High Performance Yoga studio at:

you will see that we are the only yoga studio that actually offers and sits some form of an early zen practice 6 out of 7 days.

In my zen class this morning, it was only Noble Student Clay Clymore and i, sitting alone, cross legged, observing our breath flow in and out as shakuhaichi flute music drifted beside us.

I see or hear the phrase, �zen like,� appear all over the place these days. This means there must be many people now arising early and sitting motionless in predawn hours trying to still their minds before engaging in their day to day actions.

Or does it?

Or do we just like assuming we KNOW what the phrase �zen like� means without actually doing the inner work of zen?

I�ve been teaching zen styles of meditation now for many years. Few people ever come, let alone sustain a consistent sitting Practice. Yet, in the slowing of our mental thought waves lies the real juice of Awakening.

6 out of 7 days, you can now sit some form of zen with myself or HP Yoga Staff Teachers Quentin and Greg at our new Studio. If you study Wholistic Fitness online, then you will be monitored in your own solo Practice. I�ve also clearly outlined how to sit zen in my book, The Winter Athlete as well as in my upcoming book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION due out in January.

It is absolutely crazy how impactual a few dastardly simple early morning minutes of just sitting alone consciously paying attention to your breath can transform the entirety of your day.

But you first gotta get up and sit.

�All know the Way. Few actually walk it.�

– Buddha

Enjoy your Practice today and may it be Strong and Sincere and Seated Within Your True Self…

breathe baby…





coach ilg

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