Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors!
�It takes strength to sit still.�
– coach ilg
i have a friend
who loves and is quick to travel
the outer world,
but has yet to visit her
inner world.
i have another friend
who loves and is quick to explore
�the adventure sports�
but has yet to realize that the pran
cultivated from within
is a million times more of a rush
than mere adrenaline.
i have a friend who drives a pickup
wearing a bumper sticker that states, �No Fear�
but refuses to stretch, �because it hurts.�
why so scared of your world within?
it�s just you
the deepest you
the truest you
you should go explore the real world,
the real adventure,
and Practice being truly
it takes strength to sit still
but the call of your Highest Life
sings from within
not outside
it takes strength to sit still
but the Grace of this one precious life
wafts like incense smoke from within
not from outside
be the rhythm of your breath
so you can in-Joy the rhythm
of your life
right now
this amazing moment.
May your Practice be strong and still,
coach ilg