Published on Dec 13, 2003 by in Uncategorized


MEDITATION; The Science Of Poise Within Change

�When the soul rises into lips you feel the kiss you�ve wanted.�

– Rumi

Of course, here, the mystic Sufi poet/wanderer Rumi is speaking metaphorically about Shaktiput or the arousal of Kundalini up the spine…a culminating physio/spiritual effect preceding Samadhi or Enlightenment.

Unless, however, you are familiar with the 6,000 year old Vedic energetic sciences, you might just enjoy Rumi�s saying for its undeniable poetic and romantic charm.

Well, that is just it, isn�t it?

What we choose to see is what we get.

How many channels do you want to experience your life on?

Until our knowledge becomes wide ranging and our perspective equally wide, we limit our understanding of �normal� life because we cannot yet feel or see the deeper and multilayered dimensions. We are quick to pass by a tree but fail to feel the Pranic dance within her leaves, leaping into our very soul as if shouting, Wake Up! Come Play! Dance with us! Our ignorance what Thich Nhat Hanh calls, the Miracle of Mindfulness, is more than a shame, it is, according to Buddha, a symptom of a dis-eased mind…He called it, afflicted vision. Essentially, He said we take way too much for granted and assume the Unreal for the Real. Bad call, bucko…that is why we suffer so much restlessness in our lives. Afflicted seeing = afflicted thinking = afflicted soul.

What you see is what you get, baby! Heaven on earth or hell. Your choice.

Quality time must be spent developing our inner silence through meditation, for there is surely no way the outer world will provide clarity and depth or spiritual romance to our inner lives. �It is what we see with our eyes closed that matters,� say the Native American shamans.

Feeling things by direct experience however, helps curb assumption and incorrect ways of seeing your world. Here is a hint; if it is hard to describe, it�s probably full of soul nourishing potential. You�ll recognize spiritual Paths by their inherent difficulty to explain solely by intellectualization. Try describing High Performance Yoga strong flow classes to someone who has never exercised or to a gym-rat or cardio freak. They don�t get it. They won�t until they become courageous enough to open up and invite the yoga experience into their cells. Tension is suffering. You gotta release the tension in the body before the mind lets go of her grip on your soul. This is standard knowledge. Start with the body. That is why i created Wholistic Fitness…there is obviously no shortcut around the body in spiritual work. Yet nearly everyone tries. The unawakened love shortcuts. They think they are getting somewhere faster. They are. Backward. De-evolution. Oh well.

Same thing with herbs. i know many of you have now felt the deep effect of the SUNRIDER herbs within your body and mind. You want to share if not shout how much better your family member or friend would feel if only they would get on them. But it�s like pulling teeth, huh? So resistant. So many excuses. Don�t get frustrated. They are not ready yet. Their resistance is a Divine screening effect that separates the real warriors from the giver uppers or the wannabes. Just keep loving them. Attend to your own Light.

Same thing with Wholistic Fitness. try to get a sport-specific athlete to mix it up and cross train among several fitness disciplines instead of just one and they rebel. they are attached to running or pilates or golf or whatever. they don�t get it that if they would just study WF for even 3 months and THEN return to their sport or fitness activity…not only would they become a HELLUVA lot fitter, faster, more powerful, more supple, leaner, more focused…they would also become more WHOLE…more Wholistic. their entire attitude would change.

that is what scares the be-Jesus out of folk; change.

yet change is the Truth of the UniVerse.

if people are scared to change fitness disciplines or their eating patterns, just think how scared they are going to be when it is time to change lives!

talk about new dimensions!

in meditation, we learn to �die� each day. we learn how to give up and surrender and let go. we learn to cultivate the space between arising thoughts to dwell in a spaceless space beyond the coming and going of thoughts, emotions, attachments, and yes…change.

thus, meditation can be described as the science of stability and poise within ever present change.

the refinement of stability and poise within ever present change.

how rare a person practices THAT?!?!

we all want to be different, yet not alone.

meditation provides just that; the difference of finding stability and poise within the familiarity of change.

want to be different?


want not to feel alone?


tomorrow morning.

just start.

God will be waiting for you, i promise. She�s never missed one of my sessions! (and He is always There before me…) SHe will be very, very happy to see you Here Now.

5 minutes.

no excuses.

�All know the Way, few actually walk it.�

– Buddha

�Be still, and know you are God.�

– Jesus

�Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.�

– Patanjali

that is all.

may your Practice be strong and sincere,

coach ilg

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