Published on Apr 06, 2004 by in Uncategorized


Hi, Coach!

Forgive me for taking so long to thank you for the

new book!

I well remember July 9, 2001, when I received news

that you were going on sabbatical to write the book.

I continued my preparation for Mt. Rainier with

Teacher Q, and I cruised to the summit with ease. If

I hadn’t blistered my feet, I would gladly have

repeated the full climb the next day. What a

difference from my snotty, wheezy, anxious first

attempt six months earlier!

Anyway, I wish you could see all the places that

Wholistic Fitness has taken me since! I’ve made

multiple treks deep into the Gila Wilderness. The

tough approach to Gannett Peak, Wyoming was a joy.

The climb was even better. WF helped me stay focused

(and safe!) during a gruesome climbing disaster at

Orizaba. “Summit or plummet” took on added meaning

that day.

You’d think I would have listened sooner, but I

finally took your advice and took up road biking last

year. Now I’m gleefully cranking out centuries, and

heading to northern Italy in June for a cycling

climb-fest the Alps and the Dolomites.

Coach, thank you again for your influence in my life.

While I’m still a novice, it is actually a testament

to how effective WF really is. If a modestly

disciplined guy like me can schlep his way through WF

fundamentals to this level of health, then anybody can

do it!


John Guinn

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