Noble Warriors –
i have not done this for a while…but with the new DL readers coming in, here is an actual Teacher/Student exchange between myself and Online Student Alan Ludgate in NYC. My input, inserted within the text of his Cycle Summation (which is due every 5th week from our Online Students) is preceded by this ��� symbol.
as you will soon gather, if you become a WF Online Student, we ain�t just talking about sets and reps or fat calories versus carb calories. Student Ludgate is into his 2nd full year of Online Training and has completed one Private Intensive with myself here in LA.
this normally private exchange has been offered to the worldwide DL Sangha by Student Ludgate in our shared vision of possibly inspiring and/or helping some other noble fitness warrior in their own journey toward Higher Fitness. this is the Real Juice…the Sap of what makes the WF Tree so strong and yet so supple…it�s all about the Student�s willingness to take the workouts within.
in-Joy this sneak peak into the personal training of a very Noble Warrior… and keep your own Practice strong and whole…
i bow to you,
coach ilg
Coach’s Input on Student Ludgate�:
RE: �STRENGTH TRAINING: �Great month of strength training. �The gym was an oasis in a turbulent sea. �With everything going on in my life right now (new baby, etc.), my mind was often all over the place on my walks to the gym. �However, almost without exception, once I hit the gym floor I was focused, energized, and sweaty! �Self-designed program as follows:
Week 1: EEE-GAD full body workout + Yang Day workout
Week 2: FR Yin workouts
Week 3: EEE-GAD + Yang Day workout
Week 4: FR Yang workouts
� I LIKE that choreography! geez, i taught you well! 😉
{note; FR stands for Frugal Realm….see my book TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION for this all engaging program!}
Thoughts / comments:
* Reunited and it feel soooo…yeow! �It has been many months since I did the EEE-GAD workout, and since I had any program that called for leg extensions. �Doing those staccato supersets definitely brought me back, and made me dig deep
* Speaking of old friends: �or old sensations, anyway. �The 10 x 10 calf raises in the FR Lower Body Yang program never cease to amaze. �I was literally seeing spots by the last few sets, and five days later my calves are still fully stimulated, to the point it is virtually impossible for me to get my heel to the floor during down dog.
� that is right on WF Dharma…see, if more Yoga Teachers would work out like we do, they could bring their own Edge much closer and do the real Yogic Work of breathing into the limitation. however, this would require a smashing of the ego as their formerly lithe bodies are stiff with acidic muscles. you are learning our Way very well.
* Really feeling an increase of strength to weight in my Dips – I’m starting to really feel the power. �In my last Yang Day workout, I did 9 and 6 reps for my two sets, both personal bests.
* Not feeling the same power in my Yang Day pull-up sets. �I have been stuck on 5-6 reps for the first set and 3 for the second for quite some time.
� you might remain at this number for years.
Pull Ups very difficult. though i used to be able to crank off dozens at a batch
once past 10 reps, it’s always Hell Zone to get ’em done.
* Overall leg strength developing deep in the core, with really solid work on my squat / leg press work.
* Ab strength and endurance remains an issue, particularly on leg raises
* Facing a physical and psychological challenge in my bench press. �My form feels good, but my strength (as measured by resistance / reps) has not moved forward. �I am convinced the issue is as much mental as physical, as ego concerns over how much I can bench do battle with ego concerns over not being able to get the bar off my chest and having to call for help. These twin concerns seem to burn a lot of energy, but don’t lead anywhere.
� we shall attack the Bench Press Dragon if you wish in your new program.
do you wish?
�CARDIOVASCULAR TRAINING: �Up and down in this discipline. �Had one really fun and snowy hike before winter loosed its grip on the city (total people seen in 1 1/2 hour hike: 3). �Good intensity on interval workouts, which for a change of pace I did on the Stairmaster, my old nemesis. �Definitely got the heart pumping and the legs wobbling.
�That is the up. �The down is in getting in the work. �Cardio is consistently the discipline I am most likely not to find time for. �Yoga, meditation, and strength training all seem to flow naturally in the current of my day. �Cardio, does not. �I find the work incredibly rewarding, and am always glad ex-post that I did the work, but getting out the door is a daily challenge. �My goal this cycle was to do 2 cardio sessions per week. �I only achieved that goal once.Don’t know why this particular dragon is so difficult to slay.
� i do.
cardio, if to be done consistently, requires a major overhaul of one’s lifestyle. sometimes, the dedicated Warrior has to change jobs or income just to get it done. few are willing to go to such outer worldly sacrifices for doing something as ‘foolish’ as cardio. however, without working up to 6-8 hours of cardio per week, the subtle anatomy (the nadic system) is not going to be well prepared to handle the advancement of Pran (life force) in later WF Studies…thus, i will not be able to take you as High as you could go in this lifetime. it all boils down to your choices. for me, i risk Bankruptcy every day of my life in order to serve my inner world. to me, my priority is the inner, not the outer. Cardio volumes truly test the Warrior’s priorities in this lifetime. i will all-ways dedicate my Work with you to make the BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE USE of your available training time. however, YOU must be in charge of what you consider AVAILABLE training time! oooof. big contemplative material here!
RE: �Note �Bodyweight gain/loss: �Body weight stable in a range from 144 – 146, with body fat measured a month ago as 8.3%
� impressive statistics! you honor this Path! well done!
General comment on solo practice: �really loved the change of pace of doing the 1:00 holds on each asana. �This time allowed me to really dig deep in the pose, and to really crank up the Ujjayi breathing. �By far the biggest leap forward in really locking in the Ujjayi. �Some spotty success bringing Mula Bandha consciously into the picture – I continue to find that lock difficult to maintain.
� i know. years are required. in upcoming cycles however, i know some key techniques that will help you lock onto Mula. keep bringing Awareness to the ‘seal’ sensation within the pelvic floor for right now.
�HP Series A-Modified x 3
�HP Series B x 1
HP Series C x 1
Great openers…really feeling the heat
�Do the following Cycle holding each for 1:00
Dolphin Pose: Really feel the ‘dynamic tension’ when I walk my feet closer to my hands in this pose.
childs pose for three slow Ujjayi breaths
Dolphin Levers: This is a ‘tenacity’ check and a calm mind check, as I work to keep my breath deep and even and the lever movements smooth and natural.
childs pose for three slow Ujjayi breaths
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (both sides): Big challenge maintaining this pose for the full minute. �The checklist for this pose is so damn long it can feel like I’m spending the entire 1:00 moving through a checklist: “Back foot flexed and parallel to earth / front leg locked out / light fingertips on the earth / TWIST and look to the sky” etc. �Lots of good work processing here, but not ready for prime time.
childs pose for three slow Ujjayi breaths
Ardha Chandrasana(both sides)
Oops…getting sleepy! �Similar feedback as the parivrita pose. �There is a lot to think about, with a particular challenge for me being to stack my hips without leaning onto my fingers or losing the elegance of the “T” posture.
� YES!
you are regulating your Mental Energy by having to FOCUS
it onto the techniques of the poses….THIS IS THE CHAINING OF THE MIND!
remember, it is NOT what the outer pose looks like;
it’s what is happening within.
and what i TAF is happening within you
is the KEY INGREDIENT to all spiritual success;
childs pose for three slow Ujjayi breaths
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana Sometimes it is easier for me to lock in the pose the second time, sometimes it is tougher to maintain.
(both sides)
childs pose for three slow Ujjayi breaths
Parivrtta Utkatasana(both sides) I love the way this twisting son of a gun makes me feel! �Really able to crank the twist and the Ujjayi.
childs pose for three slow Ujjayi breaths
�Parivrtta Trikonasana (both sides) �More twisting, more opening, more aaaahhhh! �
childs pose for three slow Ujjayi breaths
�Prasarita Padottanasana �This feels so good in my low back, it should be illegal.
� i could charge you extra, if you wish!
i know…i know…how can we do better at getting this Stuff OUT THERE to all the fat, aching Americans?
our National Tribe is overeating and under exercising themselves to death!
�Bakasana �Biggest step forward for me this cycle. �After 1 year of effort, I finally found sweetness and balance in this pose. �Not able to maintain that balance for the full minute, but I am really finding my center and my strength in this pose. �I love it! �Biggest challenge is not letting my ego get caught up in the “achievement”. �I know intellectually that all the times I fell in this pose were equally important and helped me grow, but it is tough not to feel a little cocky when I nail this pose.
� well done!
in-Deed, Bakasana is a gateway posture for many new fun inner things! keep cranking!
childs pose for three slow Ujjayi breaths
�Lunges: Crescent Lunge with hands in Namaste (Anjaneyasana).
Hold for 30 seconds, then for the next 30 seconds, �drop rear knee down
to tap the earth on inhales, extend it on the exhales. do not FLINCH
the depth of the front leg! �Well, that was…interesting! �Terrific challenge of tenacity / steadfastness / focus, as I use my breath to fight back against the sensation in my legs and the complaining from my ego.
�do both legs then:
childs pose for three slow Ujjayi breaths
Dhanurasana (with a Belt if needed) 2 x1:00 � arms over head, reverse
grip, the belt needs to be big enough for you to bow!!! �A terrific release for the spine, and challenging work for my legs.
Halasana �Oh that feels good! �Difficult for me to open up fully when I do this practice first thing in the morning, but otherwise pure good stuff.
Salamba Sarvangasana �I know this is one of the pivotal asanas in all of yoga, but I often feel I’m missing the essence of the pose, as for me it is rarely deeper than the pure physical act of sticking my toes high in the air.
� i have an option for next cycle that will help.
�Savasana for at least 5 minutes.
�4) How did the pranayama go?
Good efforts / mixed results. �I feel my passageways are opening, and the pure breathing cycles are progressing nicely. �It is much slower going on the Mula Bandha. �Thanks to our intensive, I now have internalized the sensation, but achieving that sensation �happens only intermittently. �In particular, moving the grip of Mula Bandha from the right side to the left side of the urogenital triangle is a big challenge. �That said, baby steps are being made.
� baby steps is how i climbed some of the most difficult mountains in North America.
�5) Svadhyaya � list a few points that came up with the questions. �
How do you get into struggle? �How do you get out of struggle?
See my last e-mail for my notes on Svadhyaya practice. �Some of the key themes are that I get into struggle when I get out of balance or when I am unable to conquer my own inertia, and I get out of struggle by simplifying, being patient, and doing the work.
�6) How is your Zazen these days?
�how did the �om� dancing go?
Zazen not so good these days. �The “om dancing” has me tripping over my own feet. On a select few occasions, I felt myself deep into the Om, enveloped and comforted. �Most of the time, my mind was either racing a mile a minute or sliding into sleep. �This is no doubt attributable in part to the fatigue of new fatherhood, but mostly it is the struggle to maintain focus without the strict structure of breath counting.
� thank you.
go(o)d Awareness of your mental machinations.
we will resume more Work with regulation of the breath waves before
trying to regulate the mind waves.
i just needed to hear that honesty from you.
well done!
�7) Describe your leg position progress �in Zazen over the course of
this cycle: �No conscious effort to work on leg position, and no specific progress noted.
�8) Describe EXACTLY what you ate yesterday and the manner in which you
ate it.
�Include all herbs and fluids.
* Ate herb-cal and herb-C tablets upon waking. �Mixed and drank 1 Ilg Supreme, and headed to the gym
* After the gym, drank 1 shaker bottle of FD + Sunny Dew, and had a big bowl of Kashi while playing with my boyz.
* Had Sunday lunch at the in-laws: chicken, sweet plaintains, rice and beans, avocado and tossed salad. �Drank 1 beer
* Had 1 glass of water at a friend’s house
* Had 1 shaker bottle of FD + Sunny Dew upon arrival home (feeling very dehydrated)
* Had evening meal / snack of soy noodles + mesclun salad, with cup of Calli night and 1 beer, while watching the Oscars with my wife.
�9) Summarize your Jiva Khyati �practice. �List what you feel needs
most attention during the Next Phase.
Great dance of fatherhood and warriorhood. �Loved the work, made strong effort, accepted results and the need to be flexible and let the dance move through me, rather than imposing my calendar and pre-conceptions on the dance. �Areas for attention:
* Upper body strength, especially as manifested in bench press,pull-ups, and leg raises
* Zazen focus, finding the “om dance” wherever it may be
* Slaying the dragons that stand between me and my cardio workouts
* Practicing simplicity, patience, and compassion, especially in my family life
Well, Coach, there you have it. �I’m off to bed, with visions of my next cycle dancing in my head. �Have a great week, and I’ll catch you on the flip side.