Namaste Noble Wholistic Fitness Warriors!
to me,
genuine fitness has all-ways meant ‘fitting into’
the flow of our life, our planet, and our Highest Aspirations…
the mass slaughter of animals for fast food consumption is more
than a dis-grace.
it is to me, the manifestation of the Collective Weakness…
the mutual unwillingness of our society to work within themselves
and develop sensitivity and compassion.
Fast food corporations long ago infiltrated our schools to help create
a 60+% contribution to the overfatness of our national Tribe.
The owners of these fast food companies are worse than drug pushers.
They should be taxed to help pay for the medicial onslaught of needs that
overfat and underexercised people create and require.
Write a letter to your school(s). Tell them to place whole foods on the menu
and get rid of soda drinks.
Then, enjoy your cruelty and preservative free Sunrider herbs and other natural, organic whole foods. It’s go(o)d to do so.
that is all.
for Now.
Namaste along the Endless Warrior’s Way…
coach ilg
founder/Wholistic Fitness