Noble Warriors..
for you Ultra Endurance Athletes, here is some counsel to WF Student Timari as she prepares for a 24-hour solo mountain bike race in Idyllwild, California tomorrow. I’ll see if we can get a picture of Tim and a race report from her after her event…
hey coach,
i was just mailing you to ask, yet again, how many Sunrider Action Caps do i want to take during the race, and when? and how far apart, etc? if you could please let me know i would appreciate it. and i promise to be more mindful next time when you give directions!
Teacher Q’s HP Yoga class was great last night! my shoulder feels way better! i just made sure to breath into it at all times. i really enjoyed Q’s class!
now, it is all about racing baby! tomorrow at high noon
love you!
Noble But ForgetFull Student Tim –
yes, i gave you some Light yesterday and Teacher Q’s personal Practice is firm, thus, the Transmission
has been made into your noble efforts…all is well for your race. be sure to tell Q your in-joyment of his class!
during the race: if your nutrition has been on par before the race, let the first 4 hours go by, then start taking WITH PLENTY OF WATER and FORTUNE DELIGHT so the gel cap dissolves entirely and does not get stuck in your mouth,
4 Action Caps every 4 hours.
thus, think “4”
4 hours into the race, take 4 caps
then, every 4 hours of the race, take another 4 caps.
doing this will keep your thermogenic fat burning capacties as well as cell respiration at peak
functioning…you will not bonk, you will feel energized, your energy will be very steady state…
that is how a thermogenic feeding ultra endurance athlete performs best…
stay away from the commerical foods and drinks as they tend to cause myriad blood sugar
and digestive enzymatic confusion causing the body to spend precious physiologic energy
which should instead be contributing to one thing: FORWARD MOMENTUM!
i bow to you…
coach ‘ultra’ ilg