A strange thing happened�as I clicked the ‘send’ button yestreday. I was delivered a message, it came from somewhere, into my computer, through my mouse and into my heart and mind, It said “You just walked into Steve Ilgs house with dirty feet”.�
With great concern for my dirty feet, very humbly and compassionatley�you cleaned�up the�mess. You did so�without making me feel guilty or inferior and then�you even invited me back into your house.�All along the way teaching me how to clean such a mess and how to avoid entering anothers house with dirty feet. How cool is that!?
�There are thousands of Wholistic Fitness teachings that�apply to teaching young�Marines how to be�true�”Warriors” -�rather than just�’conscripts’ serving in the military.�Do not prejudge others, humbleness & compassion are are among them.�I could go on and on.�Your awesome!�
�”Thanks” and Semper Fi – Scott���
{Note; this is related to a DL entry yesterday regarding Lance Armstrong}��������