Published on Jul 04, 2004 by in Uncategorized


Those of you

who have not heard me tell you:

“Accept everyone as your Teacher,”

are baffled, or angry, or are sad

at my leaving.

“How can he just up and leave a yoga studio

and his students?”

and i say,

“In my ability to up and leave everything,

including you and your emotions…



“Feel everything

attach to nothing.”

– Mark Blanchard

just go


go within.

the world will continue

regardless of how much drama

you layer onto Her

impeccably brilliant and Divinely

recirculating folds…

just go…

go to the ponderosa and sleep beneath her needled arms.

just go…

go to the sandstone cliffs pestered by swallows and hawks

until you and Hawk are One.

just go…

go to the desert and let the Ancient Ones wither your skin

with their dry song

until you and eon merge into dehydrated, cracked earth.

because one day, soon enough

you will return

to television and gossip and stolen water and fabricated meaning

it will then be up to you to play the Teacher…

to share

whatever it is

you have learned

from eternity whispering to your Soul.

love to all of my Beloved Students

to whom i am leaving dangling…

to dangle



fit, flexible, and ready for High Adventure

within the arms of our amazing Mother Earth

and our endlessly caring Father Sky…

so be it…

your feeble coach

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