Namaste Noble Warriors!
Our humble but POWERFUL HP Yoga Studio will reopen:
MONDAY, AUGUST 9th, 2004!
click here for a PDF of the new schedule (200.5 KB):
THANK YOU for your Patience!
Joy, Quentin, and myself have been working out on the new personal training equipment…
look out warriors…
we are roaring ready to rip off your arms with endless chaturangas and make your legs quiver
with spirit empowering warrior lunges! you know you love it as much as we do! yeah baby!
HP Yoga Devotee ‘Tamarananda’ is still working on our MEDITATION/BODYWORK GROTTO
and expects to be finished within a few days.
Understand that through the summer i will be filming over 25 hours of footage for an online
broadcast of our new website we anticipate to be launched next year.
Once the filming has been completed, we plan to offer a variety of workshops and more regular
classes. With five classes already on the new schedule however, everyone should be plenty happy
for the summer!
Looking forward to sharing our sweat and spirit with you!
Om Namah Shivaya,
coach ilg, RYT/USCF