Our goodbye salutation to…
the Windy City…
We will miss our faithful Chicago Warriors like Online Student Jim Johnston
who cardio commuted to my Master Class at the Women’s Athletic Club and gave me
his “A-game.” To the warrior ladies at WAC during our luncheon DharmaTalk…your
attention and laughs are etched into my smiling heart.
To Danielle DeVaux at the stunningly posh and standard raising
Peninsula Club where HP Yoga still graces their Class Schedule
and where, in-house computer doctors (see below)
await any cyber emergency to help
people like me bring the ever faithful Dharma of DL to people like
To my faithful assistant Ananda,
who steadily increases her own Practice of
– and pushes her own edges –
in the multidisciplined fitness nature of WF.
To all of you, who like myself, are determined to find more Truth
as we glide along the shores of our comfort zones and repeatedly dance
in sweat and spirit…
to Chicago, Anne, Robyn, Claudia, and all of our Midwest WF Warriors…
May your Practices be ever strong and…
May Your Workout Be Everwhere…
your feeble teacher,
coach ilg