Published on Nov 18, 2004 by in Uncategorized


Which One Will Win?

A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them, “In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves. One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity, resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility, confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion.”

A child asked, “Grandfather, which wolf will win?”

The elder looked him in the eye, “The one you feed.”

– Submitted by WF Online Student Cindy Yarborough (Teacher Sheader Clan)

Coach Ilg has incorporated Meditation as one his Five Fitness Disciplines of Wholistic Fitness since 1982

Shown above; the Ai Imawa Healing Posture; “At One With The Universe”..a standing meditation pose.

Photo by Ananda, near Snow Canyon, Utah


Noble Coaches!

I just came across an interesting article on Attention Deficit Disporder and Zen meditation that other members of the WF tribe with wild minds might find enlightening!

The last paragraph nicely sums up my personal experience with meditation, why I find it so blissful to dwell between the racing thoughts, if only for a moment:

“Everybody believes that if only their lives where somehow different, in either a big or small way, they could be happier then what they are right now. ADDers suffer as much as non-ADDers in this illusion, but ADDers, because of their odd “gift”, have an intuition for another way of being. For an ADDer to, in a sense, throw themselves away and just be the moment-to moment experiencing is to see the absolute freedom and oneness of it all. To see that there is no place to go, nothing to hope for, nothing to accomplish, that the entire universe is already contained in this very breath, is to comprehend something very rare indeed. An ADDer who comprehends even just a flicker of this insight can be brought to tears of joy and gratitude: a joy that comes from being truly themselves and a deep gratitude for their life, just as it is, ADD and all.”


New Student Singer


Dear Steve:

What makes me one tough canuck is “Spirit” and a deep appreciation for what I have been blessed with–ESPECIALLY MY FRIENDS!� I bow to you my friend and Dharma teacher. Renpoche Yuen and Steve Ilg are the two most significant guides I have had while on this unique path of heart; THANK YOU, AND BLESS YOU!


� Lance Zein, Canada


“I have always wanted to be able to combine yoga with my first love, strength training, and never quite knew

how to do it until I ran across your book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION, in the book

store. It was the answer to everything I had been looking for. It is perfect. You, however, have taken

it to levels that I never thought of. Thank you for sharing your story and your philosiphies about

health and nutrition and exercise in such a great way. You have helped me to develop and grow in ways that I

didn’t quite know how to.

Thanks again,

Your student, Deanna Farley, CPT”


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