Published on Jan 18, 2005 by in Uncategorized


KU; Birthing Place of Karma

{this entry is devoted to my Beloved Teacher of the Ether Through PhysioDynamic Bodywork and Astral Navigation; Rishi Barrios. i still feel our Work next to the Rio Grande entering an ever Ascending Grand River of Pran! thank you, Teacher!}

“Karma is not fatalistic or predetermined. Karma means our ability to create and to change. It is creative because we can determine how and why we act. We can change. The future is in our hands, and in the hands of our heart.

Buddha said:

‘Karma creates all, like an artist,

Karma composes, like a dancer.'”

– Sogyal Rinpoche

Viswa Vajra or ‘Crossed Thunderbolt’, is a powerful ritual object of Buddhist yoga. The untrained and ignorant speak

(and even write) flippantly about ‘ karma’ without acknowledging Ku. This predictable dark gossip spewed by the Unawakened is like lecturing about weather while denying the sky! We must root out knowledge of Ku in sacred scriptures of the Masters (where it is also referred to as ‘Sunya’), and, of course, in the WF writings and teachings. Then, and this is what separates the Warriors from the Wannabes; we must LIVE THE KU in our Workouts! I have long coached the Ku as pivotal to personal fitness. Why? It’s fundamental to the human experience. Ultimately, there is only one aspect that a human can train toward, to carry Consciousness into the Ku, or the Transition (Bardo) Realms after our final exhale. The Viswa Vajra symbolizes and reminds us to train for the radical fitness required to overcome death by developing Higher Consciousness.

You see, my Noble WF Warriors, many people who do not have wise Teachers, workout their entire lives without ever realizing it’s not a fit body they are after! It’s Freedom gained through the perfection of the body (jiva mukta). Rule Number One; mastery of body must precede mastery of mind and certainly spirit! Most people try to skip the body and sail straight into Heaven. Nope, you gotta train like Hell to transcend Hell! Then, all becomes Heaven.

Viswa Vajra conveys the essence of Ku or ‘The Void’ which cannot be cut, cannot be destroyed, yet destroys all Hell (evil). In WF Tradition, the Viswa Vajra is the symbol of WF Strength Training. The Viswa Vajra pictured above is from a Tibetan Banner in my home ‘gym temple’. Even the least Aware student of WF will recognize the KU Recovery Techniques i created for instilling mental focus and spiritual fiber in the gym while strength training. The Ku can be felt while hanging at arms length under the Altar of the Pull Up Bar…when your ego is screaming at you to quit and go over to the Gravitron machine. Dangling there with withering arm strength, Doubt flings her arrows into your Willpower. You return to WF Principle #1…you Breathe through the Doubt and thus transcending it, experience a calm, powerful Void…the KU! Whether or not you do another Pull Up is beside the spiritual point. This is what most do not understand. Why? Because most do not ‘stand under’ a Pull Up bar! They are all over there, gathered about the fancy machines like sheep.

Those of you Practicing other WF Disciplines, experience Ku during intervals, meditation, the edges of asana, and most easiest during pranayam. Ku, birthing place of Karma, can only be experienced when we push ourself into a Bardo State, a state of Transition where super high intensities of Doubt, Fear, and Effort are transcended by our OWN Willpower…a Will-power uncluttered by drugs, clinging onto outdated mental or emotional modes, comfort, and sloth. The WF Master Student is a Warrior of the Clear Light with a Diamond Body!

Among other meanings, Viswa Vajra is the emblem of Amoghasddhi – one of five Priniciple Dhyani Buddhist Families. WF, however, is protected by the Amitabha lineage whose symbol is Padmasana or ‘Lotus’.

{Early Morning Light; Red Mountain Spa, Utah. Site of WF Retreats. photo by ilg} Those of you who read between the lines of my books and writings, will start connecting many dots within the Divine Sky of WF! One reason,

for in-stance, why you see me sitting in Padmasana on the cover of TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION was to honor Amitabha and offer publicly my devotion as a lifelong, albeit feeble, Protector of the Dharma.

Noble Warrior, we may think we workout. We may think we know stuff. We may think we create things…we do not. Shit, we cannot even create an earthworm, yet we create gods by the dozens!

It is Karma that creates,

Karma that composes.

The best we can do?




Offer your prayers through sweat running down and off the tip of our noses!

The best we can do?

Practice bravery during Ku!

May your workouts be Blessed along this humble, powerful, and deep Path of WF whose powerful currents

flows though such a feeble messenger as i…

i know nothing.


miniscule ilg

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