Published on Feb 27, 2005 by in Uncategorized



“Ah, love, let us be true
To one another.”
– Milton

see that smile on my face? that’s there because Ananda caught me doing what i most love to do;
nordic skiing upon snow guarded over by ponderosa pines at high altitude. each breath, the very rush
of air as it passes across the skin of my nostrils, delivers to me such Pran, such CHI, such DIVINE LOVE
that as time nears for me to leave my public life,
only the wind and wolves will know where to find feeble me…
gliding across the snow
breath known
muscles warm
spirit singing
among the pines…
please Noble Fitness Warriors, i beg only of this to you;
always look Within
cultivate the Breath within
love Within
sit Within
be Within

photo by Ananda/Flagstaff Nordic Center, Arizona

dear coache’,
a moment?
you might also�warn any� LA ocean wf warriors(especially surfers)
that they should wait 48-72 hrs before venturing out…
since most of the city’s�storm drains end up
emptying their “contents” into bay..
you know that old saying..
“stuff” runs down hill…
and it does…literally.
student d-

photo of Poipu by producer Wayne Willams. you can purchase this and many other heart-stopping photos of natural landscapes by our Tribal Photographic Chief, Wayne (WW) at:
WW is the MasterMind behind my new WF website, still scheduled to be revealed this summer!

***coach’s note; i have known and trained -directly and indirectly – Student “Dansan” for several years. what touches me most about his Practice? what reflects most beautifully to me about his Practice? Is that from the very first time i hammered on him about the Practice of Politeness…he has ALWAYS started his emails to me (and now, his formal WF Online Teacher Ko) with a “dear coach�” and a very respectable, “a moment?”…let me tell you, DL Reader, for someone like myself, whose Spiritual Teacher instucted me to, “Put Politeness and Common Sense back into your People,” Dansan’s quaint acknowledgment of my time and energies makes ALL the difference to my day. Let all of us learn from Most Noble Online Student Dansan; Put Politeness and Respect back where it belongs; at the FOREFRONT of our Personal Fitness Training.
my dear Sangha,

your feeble teacher,

i single handedly shipped out 33 backordered HP YOGA PROP WORKOUT DVD’s today…hang in there, Ananda is going to help me tomorrow (after my 60 mile training ride) and we are visualizing having all the backordered PROP WORKOUTs ready to go into the PRIORITY MAIL by Monday.

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