You know you are eating Light when you constantly experience a sense of bodily lightness (laghuva)…while others are attached to walking up stairs, for example, the Ahara-Jayan (one who has mastered food) sees other far more fun alternatives to the mediocre ways of moving about in the flow of life! the WF Temple Herbs; SUNRIDER, bridges the gap between existing solely on Pran and conventional foods!
Accurate nutrition is that which leads us closer and closer to being Light. The purest form of nutrition is Prana; or the Life Force. Dense, decaying, and processed foods are the furthest and heaviest form of nutrition; while Pranayama is the Highest and most Direct. In some Yogic scriptures, ‘Ahara-Jaya’ or the Mastery of Food – is considered a moral observance (yama)! If we cannot control our appetite for food, the Masters taught, (or at least control the 24 inches or so of space between fork and mouth) we stand no chance of ever controlling our spiritual appetite for other attachments such as sensual comforts, entertainments, gossip, money, prestige, ego, etc.
i recall as a kid, wishing that i could ‘take a pill’ that would take care of all my physiologic needs so i could have more time to play outdoors! this childhood wish, for all intensive purposes, came true when in 1982 i met Dr. Chen, founder of SUNRIDER herbs. Ever since i began relying upon SUNRIDER herbs (most notably drinking one or two “Ilg Supremes” per day) i can go and go and go all day just thriving on these beautiful, powerful plant and herb energy while others (often much, much younger than me) experience such mundane things as blood sugar drops, cramping, headaches, lethargy, etc. that is no way to live our PRECIOUS LIVES! God’s Gift to us is life. What we do with our life is our Gift to God. And it is very hard to focus efforts on spiritual work if our bodies do feel Light, Carefree, Strong, Supple, and FUN to be in! See more in my essay below; WANTED: PRANA! Dead or Alive!
but first,
i would like to share with you this beautiful letter from one of my professional peeers and encourage you to visit her website!
Namaste Coach Ilg!
I’ve really been enjoying your HP yoga DVD — and it really kicks my butt! I’m happy to say that ’cause I’m always looking for innovative, creative yoga poses and that one-leg squat really fits the bill!
I was so intrigued by your DVD that I had to get you Total Transformation book. We really speak the same language, my friend. I like to underline meaningful passages as I’m reading, and most of your book is now underlined!! You write eloquently and elegantly and most of all honestly. Like you, I always teach yoga as a tool for spiritual (as well as physical, mental and emotional) growth. I really dig your approach.
I’ve just completed the 4-week Green Tara practice and yes, I have experienced dramatic changes. (Though I ‘m still trying to work up to a full minute of jump squats. Oouch!!) I dutifully took a recovery week and am stoked to be entering the Cosmic Yang practice. In fact, I’m off to the Iron Temple for my upper body workout now. (Also: thank you for making strength training legitimate! As a dedicated yogini, I always thought I had to justify my attraction to strength training — as though a true yogini would be able to get all needs met by yoga.)
On another but related note, as the Health and Fitness Editor for Surf Life for Women magazine, I’m working on an article about “Extreme Fitness”. I’d like to include your approach as an excellent way to stay in shape for surfing. It would be great to get a quote or two from you about how your training techniques differ from most and why surfers would benefit. Also, can you suggest 3-4 top exercises (or yoga poses) that you would consider most effective for surfers? et me just say that the jump squats certainly would qualify!)
I can also take some excerpts from you book if you prefer (or in addition). It would also be swell if we could get a photo or two from you — either demonstrating the exercises or perhaps just a headshot.
Also, please let me know if you’d like us to review the new HP PROP WORKOUT DVD as well!
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts! (You can also see a few samples of my articles on the press page at www.yogaforsurfers.com)
with gratitude and blessings,
Peggy Hall
Yoga for Surfers
surf better…live better!
WANTED: PRANA – Dead or Alive?
Human Jet Fuel For The Soul: the essential ingredients of the “Ilg Supreme” using the SUNRIDER Herbs. Drink one or two
of these per day and ALL your aspects of health and vitality increase beyond compare in my opinion. Eating innocent herbs
are also vital for yogins and takes the sadhhaka out from relying upon the monetarily motivated commercial Hell Realms of mass manufactured food industry.
I have been trying to explain the concept of �pran-rich� foods over �dead-food�…with examples:
living pran filled foods: fresh vegi and fruits, SR herbs, some whole grains, and so forth
dead food: meat (fish?),processed, refined, reconfigured, and so forth.
No sure where eggs and soy milk, tofu, fit in.
In part I seek your input and explanation as my wife wants to start training again and since my eldest son has eliminated the sweets and starches from his diet..no grains to speak of at all..just fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, soy milk, regular milk (organic of course) and meat still..though free range organic mostly. He was partly motivated by wanted to clear up his complexion, which has almost over night changed radically. The starches, pasta�s, breads negatively effect his skin more than sweets even.
By the way, i am very impressed with young SUNRIDER warrior Brandon!
love, MJB
Noble MJB;
do not try to explain it too much.
Intellect slows progress in the energetic sciences.
SUNRIDER increases the amplitude of Life Forces already indwelling
within us.
the release of these clogged energies will become palatable to your downline during Phase One.
this is not about intellectual understanding; it’s about devotion to what is go(o)d and vital to ones body and mind.
a person on SUNRIDER herbs radiate the Growth that the herbs are! their skin and eyes glow, their energy is wisely stored and paced for the long run,
and they are springy, supple, and stable.
a person eating junk food; look at their skin and eyes for those organs mirror the internal organs! is their skin and eyes clear and radiant?
soft? supple? does their skin breathe well? can it trigger a quick sweat? or do they just turn red and look like they are about to implode
when they exercise or invert themselves? if so, they need to get on the herbs! Phase One in particular and stay on it until their eyes are clear!
do not try to explain it,
just tell them,
they will FEEL the obvious difference as their capacities to
recognize Pran increases over the years.
a daily Pranayamic Practice is vital.
SR bridges the gap between existing on pure Pran and existing solely on dense foods.
Put a
Pranically rich food (herbs…think of an acorn packed with Pran that has the capacity to grow into a mighty oak)
into the ground and it grows..
Put a Pranically dead food (a chunk of flesh like a steak)
and what happens?
One grows and vibrates with Life Force,
the other one rots.
Which do you choose to bring into your body each day?
{ready to make March your ENTRY MONTH INTO THE TEMPLE GARDEN OF WF? Just select a WF Teacher to the left and join SUNRIDER TODAY and start becoming a genuine Ahara-Jayan!}
opening photo; coach on a boulder problem in Walnut Canyon, Arizona. photo by Ananda.