“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the �Universe,� a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest�a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
You may be humble, but Coach Jones is NOT!� To ridicule fasting from media and a decent shit?!� Give me a fucking break!� Carry on the go(o)d work Ilgbro!� Tell that mofo to come to the ATL and rock with fucking RJ baby!� Fuck the iron�body weight only mofo then we�ll see how well his methods hold up in the warrior arena of WF!
Rippin� RJ!
—–Original Message—–
From: Ron Jones
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 1:39 PM
Subject: Steve Ilg
Humble EJ,
I have read your review of Steve Ilg�s TBT but cannot agree with your positions.� While there is no �one way� or �one path� for everyone, Ilg�s Wholistic Fitness work is tried and most assuredly as TRUE as anything I have ever been exposed to in the world of Wholistic training.� In my career of national and international competition, I would have to say that Steve Ilg holds the highest position in my humble book for being the most wellness-oriented and compassionate athlete I have ever known�but definitely NOT weak of heart or spirit for visceral levels of competition.� He speaks truthfully and backs up his words with appropriate actions whether in the gym, international competitive arena, or silently meditating.� It has also been my experience that most body builders are severely out of balance in terms of Wholistic training as well as dedicated yogis and endurance athletes�they train their strengths but not their weaknesses because their egos cannot handle anything less.� From this perspective Ilg�s way of balanced training makes common sense.� When one questions something as clear as Ilg�s �fasting of media� or �squatting for evacuation� I must question this logic in a culture of chronic constipation, laxatives, and media perversions.� (Did you know that many American do not shit for 3-5 days consistently year round?�Get a clue Humble EJ!)
If you want hardcore kick ass proof then fine.� Screw the wellness tips �and the soft bullshit and know this�as a former and future teammate of Steve Ilg�s I can assure you that he can very well back up his words with high-performance results�anytime�anywhere�the man can throw down the warrior chi and take it to the spiritual level and still maintain his dignity and posture!� By the way, there is more to the �yin and yang� of lifting to elegance and maximum performance WITHOUT compensations than your explanation of the positive/negative or concentric/eccentric contractions of physiology�if the workout is just strength gains, optimal activation of cross-bridges, actin/myosin density, and max lift poundage, then one has not realized the many other benefits of fitness and activity and therefore shallow and at the bottom end of the Wholistic training spectrum�I�ve met many of them�and left them behind�probably because they could not take a decent shit!
In Wholistic Fitness�a narrow but true and honorable path�
Ron Jones, MS
Atlanta, Georgia
ACSM Health/Fitness Instructor
Licensed Corporate Wellcoach�
Dear Steve,
The guy who went after your balls sounds like a jerk…Sticks and stones right..
So much Suffering…You look at the world and it’s all you see. It is what the Buddha said, ” the world is suffering.” It is how we have learned for so many eons of time. But many people are beginning to awaken to a different method of learning. You are beginning the clearing for this approach.
Keep on burning… Your dedication is being rewarded. With each individual who makes this shift into multi-dimensional existance, the whole world breathes a little easier. There are millions now shifting into this next phase of evolution…Even though it is a difficult and challenging phase, it is cause for celebration.
You take care brave one…
I celebrate your life…same Self…namaste,
Dear Coach Ilg,
I urge you to�not attach to�any feelings of hurt that you may feel from this person’s review of your book.� As you suggest, this person needs our compassion.� Following is his own description of himself from the Amazon site…
My interests are politics, (a dreaded neocon. I’m a Zionist that is pro-immigration, free trade, and an internationist (think opposite of Pat Buchanan)), running and Yoga, nutrition, Wall Street (hedge funds), technology, and knowledge. I have a young daughter. I work in Internet sales at a large Harley-Davidson dealership. I’ve read most books on nutrtion, weightlifting, and Yoga and several business tomes. Feel free to ask any questions. The Amazon community has been very helpful to me in my purchases. I’ve shopped here since the ‘doors first opened’ and I’ve been very satisfied from the first purchase.
I live in Akron, Ohio, which I hate passionately. If I had the $ and time, I would travel to NYC (I want to live there) again, Israel and the rest of the Middle East, Hong Kong, (especially now that the commies, er tyrants, er leaders are stifling democracy there), L.A., South Beach, China, and just about every major international city. My dream would be to work on Wall Street or for a conservative newspaper, TV network (contrary to Al Gore’s opinion, FOX IS fair and balanced), or magazine (National Review or The Weekly Standard). Neither of goals these are realistic, however. Please visit my blog: Namaste,
He hates where he lives, hates his job, and apparently hates his entire life, yet won’t do anything about it.� His comments seem to come from a place of deep fear and a craving for love and acceptance.� As Patanjali teaches, to still our minds we must offer up counter-active actions to these emotions.� Pair hate with love, fear with compassion and courage.� I will also do my best to open my heart to his daughter, who is being raised in a household of pain and negativity.� May she find some way to still see the Beauty in life.
The WF Path is indeed noble, but it is a challenge to our culture.� In fact, I was recently corresponding with an old college friend and I explained how WF fit in my life and how it is helping to transform me.� She was happy for me, but jokingly noted that my behavior was kind of “un-American.”� Walking the WF Path is, I’m happy to say,�un-American and I’m grateful to have found your teachings.� What this person says is of no consequence, and he won’t be the last.� Let’s not attach to his emotions, then.� For my part I have gone to Amazon and indicated that I didn’t think that this review was appropriate.� I will also dedicate my 2 hours of CV today to opening my heart chakra to�this poor man�and his daughter.
Namaste in the True Sense of the Word (and cosmic hugs).
Dear Coach Ilg,
B.T.W�� Your DIRECT LINES story about duhkha and karuna was Most interesting :). Maybe you could write chapter 2.� Plotline…� buying yoga toes for the hubby and hobbling around the house laughing!� Man those things are intense!��
– WF Online Student Tamara, LA, CA
“Salaam” from Afghanistan. I logged onto DL recently after being away. What an awesome picture of you squatting! As I am sure you are aware, America seems to be one of the only countries that does not squat.� What I am sad to say is that as much as you talk about the healthful benefits of squatting I never heeded you advice. As I have been here in Afghanistan I have�been forced�to squat while using�local toilets. I�am now�adapting squatting to many daily activities, as I soon realized that my lower back pain has gone away.�
Many weeks ago I recall a short blurp on DL about ‘toilet yoga’ during a posted exchange between you and one of your students. �Could you please share more?
Deus Prosit, Semper Fidelis
– Scott A Richardson / Classicus Ballator
Most Noble Warrior Scott,
i am sorry, due to the deep nature of facilitation and mandatory supervised pre-requisite training, my
“Toilet Yoga” method of pain erasure and pranic empowerment remains only available to Formal Online WF Students.
i would love to do a book on Toilet Yoga, so positive and powerful and practical are it’s benefits. guess i’ll put that on my endless list of Things To Do!
thank you for your metta, brave warrior!
coach ilg
Wonderful Coach Ilg,
Thank you for your Temple Altar.
Thank you for learning, growth and opportunities to truly live,
– Online Student karl