“Be strong, and enter into your own body: for there your foothold is firm. Consider it well, O my heart! go not elsewhere.
Kabir says: ‘Put all imagination away, and stand fast in that which you are.’
800 years ago, the spiritual lineage of our Wholistic Fitness Tribe gathered in ancient ballparks like this one in “Wupatki” near current day Flagstaff, Arizona. I retreat often, regardless of how caught up in the outer world i may become, to sacred places like these, to taste the etheric residue from eons of Fitness Warriors who appreciated and tested their precious lives against the shape of each day becoming. i ran laps in this ballcourt, the only one of its kind in North America, and immediately merged into a spiritual landscape of chi filled indelible warrior energy. The ancient ones who built this mystical place around 1064 AD, often had to walk 10 miles – one way – to carry one pot of water home. What has our society lost in our ever accelerating desires for more and more addictions to comfort? Everyday sacred fitness. feeble ilg says; ‘Question all that is comfortable in your life, and seek the steep and thorny Path. Everybody is scared of death, save for those who train for it.’ Photo/Ananda
May your Practice be strong and sincere today,
coach ilg
DHARMATALK WITH WARRIOR TOBE; Actual Online Training Facilitation
WF Online Student Toby Leeson, of Steamboat Springs, CO. I tested this mountain bike and nordic ski racer
very hard before accepting him as my Online Student. I needed to make sure he was not attached to
his racing just to get on podiums, but rather to use his training and racing for the Highest Podium of the
Human Race; Enlightenment!
Please enjoy a recent Online Exchange with this amazing Family Warrior of my humble, yet Powerful Way.
May it inspire your own Practice today and in turn, be of benefit to many:
Dear Coach Ilg,
I wish I had something profound to say about my practice today, but I
� please erase the word, “but” from your vocabulary.
anything that follows the “but” is usually the horses ass.
I am simply listening and feeling all parts of my body as I go
through Toilet Yoga, Neti wash, Pranayama, High Performance Yoga and Zazen.
� precisely where i want you.
do not expect profundity.
just practice sincerely
and let Rise what needs to Rise.
As I was sitting in Zazen this morning, at one point I had this sensation
of my mind losing itself. By that I mean, it felt as if my mind completely
separated from my body, thoughts and surroundings. It only lasted for a
few seconds, but it was very real.
� of course it was real…
the Mind exists everywhere…like an invisible number
capable of appearing anywhere.
what is unReal is over-identifying the Mind with the Body
your True Nature is Freedom…
your True Nature is the Awareness beyond the Mind
My mind snapped itself out of it
quickly as if it didn’t want to be there.
� no, it was your Egoic Structures that snapped your Mind back to
its normal consciousness.
Very surreal feeling.
� replace surreal
and you are getting It!
At other
times, my mind played games with me by coming up with bizarre thoughts,
some about sex (of course),
� the lower chakral energies will be the initial obstacles…buckle up,
it will be a long ride…much longer than all your longest MTB rides put together…
years of inner Work ahead to Transcend these attachments of sex, sensual pleasures,
sensual dualities, family, shelter, entertainment, body fitness, ego survival, etc.
Attachment to family is one of the chief obstacles enroute to spiritual liberation. Our families often come through us, surround us, yet, they are not our family; they are God’s family. The Master Student of WF realizes this and cherishes every ounce of every day with their biologic family, always knowing that the biologic family is a microcosm of the Global Family. Cultivate politeness, respect, understanding, compassion, functional fitness, and spiritual growth within your own family and soon, the UniVerse starts reflecting that pure effort toward Higher Living in all that is seen and unseen. Photo of a WF Family; the Leesons out doing what nourishes their soul and makes a tremendously positive impact on their children. Parents that respect their bodies and Mother Earth/Father Sky can change the world for the better. Ripples, dear ones who choose to have humans, make waves. Family Warriors are the Highest of All Warriors, for their Practice must be constant in the reflective God-ness of their children’s eyes and spirit. Practice well, Noble WF Parents; for you MUST! Our society is in need, dire need, of Conscious Kids.
some about fabricated dangerous situations,
others about daily stuff. These thoughts only continue for a few breaths,
as I bring my focus back to my breath. I really like going back to just
counting my breaths (as opposed to third eye chakra) and feeling the
passage of air in and out of my nostrils – it feels more centered and
steadfast than using the third eye chakra, contrary to what I said before.
� you are learning again, Grasshopper!…errrr…RockHopper in your case!
I don’t know if this has to do with the cold that I had, or the herbs I eat
before going to bed, more prana flowing through me, or simply that the room
is too hot, but I have found myself recently waking up a couple of times at
night literally dripping with sweat. Not too comfortable to go to the
bathroom and then come back to wet, cold sheets. I seem to generate a lot
of heat at night, as my wife is usually in bed next to me cold and grabbing
another blanket as I sweat next to her.
� keep me posted on this NightHeat.
i cannot tell you more on this.
soon though.
just keep me updated.
I am amazed at how much stuff (mucous and particulates) that comes out of
my nose after a Neti wash. Feels good to get it out of there.
get that mucous, phlegmy crap OUTTA THERE!
all those other racers are out there eating crap, putting in miles on their bicycles like that is really
going to help…
hell no! here is what helps:
being still, bravely cultivating what is most VITAL to singing your song on the bike;
your BREATH,
your Citi-shakti, and inner Clarity!
pure cells = pure speed on the bike!
This morning is the first that I have felt “normal” after my cold. After
doing the above mentioned routine, I showered, flossed and brushed my
teeth, washed my hair, shaved, hydrated my skin and drank an Ilg Supreme.
It feels like such a purifying process, all of it combined. Makes me feel
like I’ve been born again. Wow!
Welcome, Warrior Tobe,
to the REAL MAGIC of WF Online Training!
such simplicity,
i bow to you,
Nordic Family Warrior!
Coach Ilg
** Toby will be racing toward more podiums this year using my newly released; HP YOGA PROP WORKOUT DVD. Wanna reach your OWN personal podium? order your PROP WORKOUT DVD today on the Tribal Catalog; EXCLUSIVELY from within my humble, yet powerful Temple Halls. Halls which still honor by sweat and vibrate with the Everyday Sacredness of the ancient Wupatki Warriors!