Published on Mar 25, 2005 by in Uncategorized



Ramani Maharshi always asked his students to consider the qualitative difference between
intellectual knowledge and direct experience…

cycling into the snarling teeth of yet another late winter storm in the Coconino National Forest, Arizona
it is through my frozen toes and glazed snot that i find the middle course of my own Truth, no one elses.
by sometimes forcing myself to abide within my workouts, a complete harmonization of discipline and
naturalness permeates my daily life and helps keep intellect, ego, and sensual desires in check. the WF Warrior
always treads the Middle Path…the place of Wholistic Fitness where physiology and psychology merge with
humilty in a sea of daily sweat and, thus softened, can be wisely cultivated.

off the bike and into a run along the shores of Mormon Lake; a pair of bald eagles and
opsrey plied the snow choked sky
above me while geese, ducks, and even a gorgeous red fox kept my eyes sharp to the dance of Lila so
gracefully blessing my effort to get out and breathe and move. Here i find the solidarity of Thich Nhat Hanh:
“Do not think that the knowledge you presently possess is changeless, absolute truth.
Truth is found in life and not merely in conceptual knowledge.
Be ready to learn throughout your entire life and to observe reality in yourself and in the world at all times.”

Later that evening, after some SUNRIDER herbs, it was time to keep the chi non-contaminated by lethargy,
and get to the indoor climbing gym to switch physiologic stress and make today a true WF Triathlon; cycling, running, and climbing. Mastery of self can easily fall into an insipid philosophical bravado; i have found that fear and focus, when animated by sweat, moves me over such intellectual and non-direct spiritual obstacles keeping Enlightenment a possibility.
Here, i catch Ananda in a moment of what i love best about hard climbing; it requires focus to overcome fear! Such mind
over ego is the Highest use of the human intellect; not watching TV or reading ‘news’papers!

Some of my students think i am tough…that i teach a Path that can never be assimilated by the Mainstream. i do not care.
i created Wholistic Fitness as a Vehicle of the Inner Spirit, our innate Force of Life that we all must refine before we
can become Enlightened; never think that there is a shortcut through whatever you envision as Hell…each cell of your body
must travel through the deepest Root Fears that your ego tries to stuff away. As my Mahanidrarishi imparted to me after an excruciating Meditation Workout here in the High Mountains of Arizona;
� We are all just students and fellow travelers on this path. I am just finding out about these other aspects of myself…Self as opposed to self… SO patience is not an issue… We are all just learning from one another as we unfold our authentic powers.
�� Power, sex, survival are the desires which are being purified. The mind is tricky…oh so tricky… But there is no getting by the truth… As precise as math… And our suffering will lead the way. Our seeming mistakes, only lessons in our own refinement. Purity and seriousness of intent. The intent to realize Self beyond any cost, even if that means death. And it is most definately a death which is at hand…
Until the last breath…
It is rare to find one as serious as you…
In honor,

Never undervalue the Presence of Wholistic Fitness in y(our) life. Many of us have been struggling gamely through lifetime after lifetime to arrive at the realization from which the spiritual architecture of WF defines what matters most; this life is precious; do not waste it; use daily fitness as an inner vehicle for Soul Development.

enjoy your sweat today
and may Eagle and Fox
be absolute in your oneness of all things…

that is all,

coach ilg
founder/Wholistic Fitness

special bow to “Vertical Relief” in Flagstaff, Arizona.
photos 1,2,4 by Ananada

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