Published on Apr 23, 2005 by in Uncategorized


The Path Of Awakening Is A Long One; “Make Haste Slowly”/Student Input/Coach’s Counsel on Profuse Sweating

“Don�t be in too much of a hurry to solve all your doubts and problems. As the masters say: �Make haste slowly.� I always tell my students not to have unreasonable expectations, because it takes time for spiritual growth. It takes years to learn Japanese properly or to become a doctor. Can we really expect to have all the answers, let alone become enlightened, in a few weeks?

The spiritual journey is one of continuous learning and purification. When you know this, you become humble. There is a famous Tibetan saying: �Do not mistake understanding for realization, and do not mistake realization for liberation.� And Milarepa said: �Do not entertain hopes for realization, but practice all your life.�
– Sogyal Rinpoche

{photo of Coach approaching the Bardo Realm of a Death Valley night by racing into it..just like we must have the “eye of the tiger” into our Death Moment. LA/Times}

Dearest Kemosabe!
I awoke today (Saturday) in Indiana to a chilly (no, make that COLD), windy and rainy day. After my morning ritual, I cruised to “Direct Lines” for the latest and greatest chi-hit from one of the most inspiring teachers on the Planet. And, as so often happens, what I was seeking was right there for me!� Your dialogue with Student Stillness hit me right between the eyes, as I engage in my training plan for today and look forward to racing tomorrow.
Thank you so much for opening up to all of us fortunate enough to know and experience “Direct Lines”.
A forever grateful and humbled student of a student,

Dear Coach Ilg,

�������������������������� I Just received the wonderfully scented and vibrating Mala Beads!� I just opened them and read the beautiful words you sent with them. While holding the beads my hands became hot as they do during my “true self” moments.� My boy cat Diablo is now sleeping on the couch with the paper they came wrapped in.� He sat with me while I recited the prayer and watched me put them on. He is drawn to them as well. They are amazing!� Thank you for the love and blessings you sent in them.� As I wear them I will do my best to honor all the wisdom, work and devotion you share with the Tribe.� I am honored and thankful to be a part of it. :)
– Namaste,
W.F Online Student� TaMara (Ananda Clan)
“i am enjoying using the SUNRIDER Phase 1 herbs and have not drunk any regular tea or coffee since i started on the herbs almost 3 weeks ago and i find that i do not miss them at all.
– WF Online Student Ranjit (Haku Clan)
I have lost about 40 pounds since the fall,�much of it I attribute to meeting and inspiration of�Coach Ilg!”
– Brian Smallwood

{Coach’s Footnote: Brian got the initial WF Transmission on a bike ride when he first met me training up in the San Gabriel mountains 40 of his pounds ago. he did what a true Warrior should; he bought my book, reads DL everyday, and shows up to train everyday, by himself and with others. for that small, natural and common sense investment in Self, he has Rose Above his negative tendencies and is well on the Path of Awakening. He recently won the Omnium at the Encino Velodrome. i bow to Noble Warrior Brian!}

Dear Coach,
The Yoga sessions have been feeling like Cardio as well these days with the amount of sweat that has been poooooooouring out of me.

Noble TaMara,
This profuse sweating is known as “prasveda” in yoga and is a training effect from your Pranayam. in the Hatha Yoga texts, the aspirant should be very grateful for this auspicious sign of purifying karma and is encouraged to rub the sweat into the body to help overcome this initial obstacle of profuse sweating.

From the Western perspective, as your Practice continues to mature with constancy, your metabolic and endocrine system
will come into optimal balance, thus triggering a quick, light sweat and very little else. The Masters can operate at seemingly superhuman intensities without
sweating at all.

Student Tamara:After Yoga class on wed. the heartburn and coughing escalated into a huge urge to just throw up. I was not nauseous at all though!� It was a very strange sensation to say the least.� I had no “issues” all day, then during class my chest turned into a fireball. Heartburn made some of the poses feel almost dangerous. When I opened my mouth to chant a squawk came out starting that coughing fit. It was hard not to laugh to myself as the “subtle anatomy” process took hold of me again. Sheeesh what a ride this is!� When I was most uncomfortable in class the teacher would say “Feel your Heart center opening up”��� urp..� I feel it all right!

Coach Ilg: another perfect Par-For-The-Hole on the Golf Course of the Spiritual Journey. In-Joy the ride! All of these initial Cleansings and Clearings are perfect signs of your devotion to the SUNRIDER Phase I herbs and your WF Online Practice…

i bow to you,
my own Practice is encouraged by your Practice
many Other Beings are already benefiting from your Practice.

“Practice and Enlightenment are one.”
– Dogen

coach ilg



The Compassionate Heart of the Enlightened Mind
It is the supreme elixir
That overcomes the sovereignty of death.
It is the inexhaustible treasure
That eliminates poverty in the world.
It is the supreme medicine
That quells the world�s disease.
It is the tree that shelters all beings
Wandering and tired on the path of conditioned existence.
It is the universal bridge
That leads to freedom from unhappy states of birth.
It is the dawning moon of the mind
That dispels the torment of disturbing conceptions.
It is the great sun that finally removes
The misty ignorance of the world.


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