DANGER A-HEAD: Fusion of Meditation Systems Must Be Coached!
Here, i answer an email today from SUNRIDER Herbal Warrior, AJ,which leads to an important, yet rarely considered training aspect of the mind.
Coach Ilg,
������ Sending this monthly update regarding my progress with�SR�Phase II.
� Thank you!
�I am�taking throughout the day, 2 FD, 1 SD, MetaBalance 2 caps 3 x’s daily, Men’s Formula 1 cap 3 x’s daily,�Herb Cal 1 tablet daily, Veros 3 caps in the morning�and 1 Calli Night at night.
������Bowel cleansing�of 1 packet Vitadophilus in the morning and 2 caps Fibertone 3x’s daily�have�kept my bowels quite�regular at 1-2 movements daily�of a soft (at times firm) consistency (especially in the morning).�
������ The once daily ILG supreme (1 packet NuPlus Simply Herbs, 1 packet Quinary, 2 caps Wu Chia Pi, 1 TBSP Vitafruit mixed with filtered water and Vanilla Silk Soy milk) I drink as a mid-morning meal whether at work�or shortly after a mid-morning Cardio and / or Backpacking Weight Training Routine(s in your OUTDOOR ATHLETE BOOK).
� absolutely, stunningly effective intake and you represent the IDEAL manner in which to update me each month! you are CONSISTENT with your herb intake and your updates, and THIS “constancy of Practice” is what matters most in any Wholistic and Spiritual Growth Path! i bow to you! i can only imagine you must be truly beginning to feel the effects
of being so diligent in following through in the first 2 of my Three Phase Approach to the SUNRIDER HERBS…let’s see if the rest of your letter to me confirms my suspicions based on 20 years of professionally and personally embracing this remarkable ‘secret herbs.’…
����� The SR herbs�have�improved�my stamina and endurance�during my workout(s) as well as�during�long work hours at the office.�
� Yeah baby! can you put price on THAT everyday type of CHI?!??!
The Calli Night is an “great, natural sleep aid”. I am�not only calmer at night but fall asleep within 5 to 10 minutes after “my head touches the�pillow”. The Herbs are “Outstanding Stuff !!”.
� well, i WISH i could all the credit for introducing you to my 3-Phase Approach To the SUNRIDER herbs,
i think Dr. Chen had a LITTLE to do with it, too! 😉
point is,
i am soooooo glad you trusted in me, took and keep taking the herbs as per my Guidance and are deeply feeling the benefits which, truly
are in my opinion…
����� Regarding meditation, I noticed a gradual “heightened�awareness”�during�my Zazen�meditations.�
� yes, well, as you know, the Calli Beverage from SUNRIDER is the contemporary manifestation of the ShaoLin Monks recipe, once engraved in JADE as a symbol of how precious this beverage was to them, in order to sustain their arduous meditation and martial art training!
Any thought(s) about�”Meditation Cross Training”? Specifically varying�on separate days, a�sitting ( Zazen) meditation with a “Walking meditation”. I surfed the internet and found a website www.Buddha.net�that gives “how to instructions” on walking meditation. I am blessed to have nearby public parks that I could use to�start such a program.��
� i will address this non-SUNRIDER question in light of the fact i know you are patiently waiting in line at the entrance of the WF Online Training Temple…
so long as your Pranic/Chi constitution has not yet undergone Shaktiput or BrahmaGranthi (both terms relate to the initial Clearing and subsequent Kundalini Surge), then
fusion of meditation styles will not do harm and may incite more consistency in the Meditation realms. Having said that however, the more Pranic and Clear we become,
then the fusion of diverse ENERGETIC SYSTEMS is a harsh reality that, in my humble opinion, is largely ignored and sometimes abused given the recent onslaught of ‘yoga’ styles that unwittingly FUSE things like Tai Chi with Pilates, Tai Chi with Yoga, Chi Gong with Yoga, etc. one must be VERY CAREFUL when mixing about CHI, PRANA, and other Nadic/Chakral energies. Fortunately, most ‘teachers’ of such quixotic energetic mixers do not have an authentic, nor grounded, grasp of CHI, etc. If they did, they would clearly be able to see and feel the Imbalance impacted upon the ‘subtle anatomy.’ see, it’s stuff like this which is why yoga or any spiritual fitness Path must be taught one one one; teacher to student, guru to devotee…this is precisely why WF Online Study is so important, for one does NOT want to drill their spiritual pursuits in too many places nor dilute the power of their breath/pran over too many various styles. WF Online Teachers know precisely how to SAFELY introduce a conventional fitness enthusiast to the power of their subtle anatomy and develop it wisely.
Let me know if I need to make any changes to my SR regimen and when I can begin my Online Training with WF Teacher Ananda (aka Joy Kilpatrick).
� i want you to keep your SR regimen absolutely as is until the ‘regimen’ feels to you more like a Daily Dance of Fun and Powerful Whole Foods! regardless, update me in one
month unless of course, your Application to WF Online Training with the beautiful and deeply effective teaching abilities of Ananda are approved (i have to wait on the Word
from the WF Gods, just like everyone else before i Sense a Seeker is ready to become an Active Student of this Steep and Direct Path of Self Transformation.
Your Humble Herb�Eater and Student
Alan Gutman�����
� and i look forward to hearing your footsteps in my humble, yet Powerful Temple…soon!
coach ilg