Published on May 02, 2005 by in Uncategorized


NON DUALITY and WF; a Facilitation between Student Adams and WF Teacher Haku

Long Time WF Online Student Scott Adams (Haku Clan) holds a WF Prayer Flag on the
summit of Mt. Whitney, CA.

Dear Teacher,
Would you please commnet on duality and nonduality. I am having some trouble discerning what this means. Thanks.
– Student Scott,

Student Scott,
At the most basic under-standing Duality is about either/or and non-duality is dialectical…both/and.
Duality separates and divides. Non-duality unifies…i.e. YOGA!
duality judges, non duality observes
When one lives in the world from a dualistic paradigm, one experiences the world (by choice) in terms of right-wrong, good-bad, us-them, problems- solutions, sinner-saint, past-future, divine-creature, et.all.
When one moves into the paradigm of non-duality they begin to recognize that such separation is an illusion. That really the ground of everything and everyone is go(o)d, is beauty, is union, is inter-connected, and that it is about karma…consequence.
One example might be the experience of ahmmm..unpleasant karma…maybe things are not going well, perhaps you are sick, you made a mistake and are experiencing the consequences…whatever. Buddhist teachings would say the unwholesome acts have probably led to all of this. It is not unlike a guitar that is out of tune however. The guitar is not �bad� it simply requires tuning to play music again…tuning = wholeness. In the Wholistic Fitness lifestyle one practices in such a way that they are moved towards the experience of wholeness; coming into harmony with the uni-verse.

May this help,
coach haku

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