OF SUFFERING, JOY, and PURPOSE…WarriorArtist Karen Sharpening Her Sword
i coach my Wholistic Fitness Warriors (and Warrioress’s) to use herbs, HP Yoga, and WF Daily Lifestyle
Principles and Practices as a means of sharpening the Sword of their Awareness. Why? Because without
Awareness, efforts of Self Cultivation remain uninteresting and bland. With Awareness – which is why i created the Four Lifestyle Principles of Wholistic Fitness, comes development of internal arts. As our Inner World begins to take root,
Life begins to “pop” and “jump” with all sorts of unexpected meaning, insights, and Joys. Above, WF Warrior/Artist Karen Carmona -regularly featured in DL – sharpens her Sword to cut through egoic limits and negative patterns of thought.
Whatever joy there is in this world
All comes from desiring others to be happy,
And whatever suffering there is in this world
All comes from desiring myself to be happy.
The times when you are suffering can be those when you are open, and where you are extremely vulnerable can be where your greatest strength really lies.
Say to yourself: �I am not going to run away from this suffering. I want to use it in the best and richest way I can, so that I can become more compassionate and more helpful to others.� Suffering, after all, can teach us about compassion. If you suffer, you will know how it is when others suffer. And if you are in a position to help others, it is through your suffering that you will find the understanding and compassion to do so.
– Sogyal Rinpoche
The purpose of life is to work hard, pay the rent, please all the authority figures and conform to all the rules and expectations that others set for us. Isn’t it? There’s much to be attained by honouring the system. One day, though, when you look back on your life and ask, have I really enjoyed myself? You may find your ability to say ‘yes’ depends on how successfully you have been able to resist such pressure.
– Jonathan Cainer